If you wouldn't circumcise your daughters, don't circumcise your sons.

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If you wouldn't circumcise your daughters, don't circumcise your sons. is a Facebook intactivists page.


We are a page to advocate against routine infant circumcision.
In 1997 female circumcision was made illegal in the US. Females have a foreskin (clitoral hood) which is a needed part of the female anatomy. The male foreskin has MORE nerve endings than the female foreskin. Though there are MANY types of female mutilation, type one is EXACTLY the same as circumcision done today on infant boys. On this page, we will share information, success stories, failures, and concerns. I made this page so intactivists can come together and vent and have support when needed. Pro circumcisers are welcome, we always take time to educate, but if you start uneeded drama, or are rude, we will block and ban you.  
– If you wouldn't circumcise your daughters, don't circumcise your sons.

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