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Revision as of 10:18, 5 November 2018

Welcome to IntactiWiki.

IntactiWiki is your information platform about the topics MGM, FGM + IGM, all of them meaning HGM.

Intactivists are protecting male, female and intersex genitals from parental ignorance, religious zealotry, medical greed and cultural myths. Please read how Arguments pro circumcision have been refuted.

Please like our Facebook page.

WARNING: This website contains non-pornographic nudity.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this site are not intended to replace the professional medical or legal advice of a licensed practitioner. If you are seeking medical advice you should consult a properly qualified physician.

Current Dates

(Will be updated soon.)

Annual Events

  • May 7: WWDOGA (World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy)
  • May 11-17: WWWOGA (World Wide Week of Genital Autonomy)


As an introduction into the topic MGM, we recommend to read the Circumpendium.

In the future, we will also provide all available information about Intactivists all over the world and about possible methods of restoration of the foreskin.

We hope to get more content soon.

If you are interested in contributing content to the IntactiWiki, please write an email to info at intactiwiki dot org. We don't give free write access to the public in order to keep away spam and trolls.

(Write access has to be requested and granted by our admins or mods. Contact info at intactiwiki dot org for further information.)