Restored foreskin

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Restored foreskin may be created by surgical or non-surgical means.


Creators normally fall into two categories. The first category consists of men who were involuntarily received a non-therapeutic circumcision as an infant or small child. The second category consists of men who voluntarily granted consent as an adult for adolescent or adult circumcision, but now regret their decision.

Both categories of creators seek a sense of wholeness or completeness, a restoration of normal appearance of the penis, and a restoration of lost sensory and other functions to the extent possible. Other reasons are to regain control over one's body and anger management.[1]

Surgically restored foreskin

The surgically restored foreskin is rare.

Penn (1963) pulled the shaft skin forward to create a foreskin and then used a graft from an unidentified source to cover the defect in the shaft skin.[2]

Greer (1982) described a four-stage procedure in which scrotal skin was used to create a foreskin.[3]

Goodwin (1990) described a procedure in which the shaft skin of the penis is advanced forward and scrotal skin is used to cover the defect so that the foreskin is made up of shaft skin with scrotal skin replacing it on the shaft of the penis.[4]

Dr. Paul Tinari was operated on by by Dr. Robert H. Stubbs of Montreal who used the scrotal skin to replace the shaft skin which was pulled forward to create a foreskin in a manner that appears to be similar to that of Dr. Goodwin.[5]

A combination of shaft skin plus scrotal skin was used in all reported cases to create a surgically restored foreskin.

Non-surgically restored foreskin

On the shaft of the circumcised penis, one finds the circumcision scar at a midway point on the shaft. From the scar to the abdominal wall, one finds residual penile shaft skin. From the scar to the glans penis one finds residual inner mucosal foreskin tissue, usually in a desiccated condition. Application of traction, either manually or by the aid of a commercial device sold for the purpose, is used to cause longitudinal tissue expansion.


  1. REFbook Bigelow J (1995): Ch. 11: Why men today want to uncircumcise, in: The Joy of Uncircumcising. Aptos, California: Hourglass Book Publishing. Pp. 113-20. ISBN 0-934061-22-X.
  2. REFjournal Penn J. Penile reform. Br J Plast Surg. 1963; 16: 287-8. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  3. REFjournal Greer DM, Mohl PC, Sheley JA. A technique for foreskin reconstruction and some preliminary result. J Sex Res. 1982; 18(4): 324-30. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  4. REFjournal Goodwin WE. Uncircumcision: a technique for plastic reconstruction of a prepuce after circumcision. J Urol. November 1990; 144(5): 1203-5. PMID. DOI. Retrieved 31 August 2022.
  5. REFjournal LaLiberté J. BC man's foreskin op a success. National Review of Medicine. 30 June 2006; 3(12) Retrieved 31 August 2022.