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Mordechai Rosenberg

537 bytes added, 17:38, 14 September 2019
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Neil R. Rosen, an attorney for the parents said Rosenberg severed the organ and that the boy's grandfather, himself a doctor, immediately called Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and alerted them to assemble a reconstructive surgery team. Mr. Rosen said the baby's entire blood supply had to be replaced via transfusion.
A court filing by Rosenberg's attorney acknowledged the injury but denied negligence. "Rabbi Rosenberg performed the [[Brit Milah|bris milah ]] in a careful and competent fashion, with the care and skill normally exercised by Mohels under the same or similar circumstances," it said.
In his answer, which was filed Jan. 6, 2014, Rosenberg denied most of the allegations contained in the complaint, including that he “acted with negligence, carelessness and/or recklessness” in causing the injury to the baby; that he failed “to exercise appropriate caution when using the instruments necessary to perform a [[Brit Milah|Bris Milah”Milah]]”; and that he chose “to employ a technique that placed the [[Brit Milah|Bris Milah ]] instruments in a position wherein they were capable of causing serious injury” to the baby.
Rosenberg also denied that he suffered from an impairment that he “knew or should have known would have prevented him from being capable of safely performing the [[Brit Milah|Bris Milah]].”
Rabbi Rosenberg continues to be recognized by the American Board of Ritual Circumcision, according to its chairman, Rabbi Romi Cohn of New York City. He said it is "very, very seldom" that such injuries occur and that a certified mohel needs to undergo extensive training, an examination and perform three circumcisions in the presence of board members.
** [ circumcisions not subject to Pennsylvania oversight], Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2014-01-26. Retrieved 2019-09-14.* [ denies allegations contained in bris lawsuit], Pittburgh Jewish Chronicle, 2014-01-15. Retrieved 2019-09-14.* [ Rabbi Mordechai Rosenberg’s Circumcision Failure Leads To Lawsuit: Botched Bris Caused ‘Catastrophic’ Injuruy], HuffPost, 2013-12-20. Retrieved 2019-09-14.* [ Official website]. Retrieved 2019-09-14.
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