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== Network groups ==
== Network groups ==
* [[The Whole Network of Canada]]
* [[The Whole Network of Nevada]]
* [[The Whole Network of South Asia]]
* [[The Whole Network of Sweden]]
== External links ==
The following listed network groups were linked to The WHOLE Network until they abandoned the local chapter system when they went to 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
* [http://www.thewholenetwork.org/ Official website]
* [https://www.facebook.com/WholeNetwork Facebook page]
=== USA ===
* Alabama: [[A.I.M. - Alabama's Intact Movement]]
* Alaska: [[AWE: Alaska Whole Equality]]
* Arizona: [[AZIS ~ Arizona's Intact Sons]]
* Arkansas: [[Saving Arkansas Newborns Everyday (S.A.N.E.)]]
* California: [[CHANGE-Californians Helping Advocate for Newborn Genital Equality]]
* Colorado: [[C.H.I.L.L.-  Coloradans Having Intact Lads & Lassies]]
* Connecticut: [[I.N.T.A.C.T. Intactivists for Newborns Together Across CT]]
* Delaware: [[Delaware - Whole Network]]
* Florida: [[FINE - Floridians for Intact Newborn Equality]]
* Georgia: [[BLING! - Babies Left Intact 'N Georgia!]]
* Hawaii: [[H.A.W.A.I.I. Hawaii Advocates for Whole & Intact Infants]]
* Idaho: [[WINK - Wholeness for Idaho's Newborn Kids]]
* Illinois: [[KISS - Keep Illinois' Sons Safe]]
* Indiana: [[W.I.N. - Whole Indiana Newborns]]
* Iowa: [[W.I.N. ~ Whole Iowa Newborns]]
* Kansas: [[KISS ~ Kansas Intact & Saving Sons]]
* Kentucky: [[KISS ~ Kentucky Intactivists Saving Sons]]
* Louisiana: [[LIVIN' Louisiana Integrity ~ Valuing Intact Newborns]]
* Maine: [[M.I.N.E. Maine Intact Newborn Education]]
* Maryland: [[LOVE'M Little Ones Valued & Empowered in Maryland]]
* Massachusetts: [[Massachusetts Association for the Genital Integrity of Children - MAGIC]]
* Michigan: [[Michigan Whole Network]]
* Minnesota: [[Minnesota N.I.C.E.]]
* Mississippi: [[G.E.M. Genital Equality for Mississippians]]
* Missouri: [[MINE! - Missourians for Intact Newborn Equality]]
* Montana: [[Montana - Whole Network]]
* Nebraska: [[NIFTY - Nebraska Intactivists for Tomorrow's Youth]]
* Nevada: [[The Whole Network of Nevada]]
* New Hampshire: [[Free to be Whole in New Hampshire]]
* New Jersey: [[New Jersey's Whole Network]]
* New Mexico: [[UNMEGA United New Mexicans Embracing Genital Autonomy]]
* New York: [[T.I.N.Y. Tiny Intact New Yorkers]]
* North Carolina: [[WINC - Wholeness for Infants of North Carolina]]
* North Dakota: [[North Dakota's Whole Network]]
* Ohio: [[N.I.N.O. Newborn Intact Network of Ohio]]
* Oklahoma: [[K.N.O.W - Keeping Newborn Oklahomans Whole]]
* Oregon: [[W.O.N.- Whole Oregon Newborns]]
* Pennsylvania: [[PAGE - Pennsylvania Association for Genital Equality]]
* Rhode Island: [[SPRING - Saving Penises for Rhode Island Newest Generation]]
* South Carolina: [[SCIN - South Carolina Intact Newborns]]
* South Dakota: [[South Dakota's Whole Network]]
* Tennessee: [[GIFT - Genital Integrity For Tennessee]]
* Texas: [[GIFT Genital Integrity For Texas]]
* Utah: [[WAHU!  Whole and Healthy Utahns]] + [[Utah Intactivists]]
* Vermont: [[I.G.I.V. Infant Genital Integrity in Vermont]]
* Virginia: [[VIVA! ~ Vowing for an Intact Virginia]]
* Washington: [[WISH Washington: Intact, Safe & Happy]]
* West Virginia: [[WV K.N.O.W.S. West Virginia Keeping Newborns Original, Whole & Safe]]
* Wisconsin: [[W.O.W. ~ Wisconsin Opting for Wholeness]]
* Wyoming: [[Wyoming's Whole Network]]
* Bay Area: [[Bay Area Intactivists]]
* Washington D.C.: [[LOVED Little Ones Valued & Empowered in D.C.]]
=== Canada ===
* Canada: [[The Whole Network of Canada]]
* Alberta: [[PACT - Protecting Alberta's Children Together]]
* Atlantic Provinces: [[Atlantic Provinces - The Whole Network]]
* British Columbia: [[Intact British Columbia]]
* Greater Vancouver: [[Greater Vancouver Intactivists]]
* Ontario: [[OWN - Ontario's Whole Newborns]]
* Montreal: [[Circumcision Resources Circoncision Montreal]]
* Saskatchewan: [[Skip: Saskatchewan Keeping Infants Protected]]
* Toronto: [[Toronto Area Intactivists]]
=== International ===
* Africa: [[Africa - Stop Circumcision]]
* Asia: [[Asia's Whole Network]]
* Australia: [[G'Day! Genitally-Secure Delightfully-Intact Australian Youth]]
* France: [[France's Whole Network]]
* Hispanic Nations: [[C.H.I.L.E. Concerned Hispanic Intactivists Leading & Educating]]
* [[Israel]]: [[Israel's Whole Network]]
* Mexico: [[Mexico Intacto - Viva el Prepucio]]
* Middle East: [[Middle East - Whole Network]]
* New Zealand: [[T.I.A.K.I. - Tamariki In Aotearoa Kept Intact]]
* Oceania: [[Oceania - Whole Network]]
* Portugal: [[Portugal - Whole Network]]
* South Asia: [[The Whole Network of South Asia]]
* Spain: [[Spain - Whole Network]]
* Sweden: [[The Whole Network of Sweden]]
* United Kingdom: [[United Kingdom - Whole Network]]
* {{URLwebsite|http://www.thewholenetwork.org|2019-09-16}}
* {{URL-FBpage|WholeNetwork|2019-09-16}}
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Revision as of 09:53, 25 March 2024

The WHOLE Network is a grassroots, 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity dedicated to providing accurate information about circumcision and proper intact care.

They supply doctors, hospitals, midwives, educators, and parents-to-be with well-researched, up-to-date information.

Network groups

The following listed network groups were linked to The WHOLE Network until they abandoned the local chapter system when they went to 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.




External links