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Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy

3,107 bytes added, 13:08, 31 March 2015
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The aim of the WWDOGA is to propagate the right of bodily integrity and sexual self-determination for all children all over the world.
In 2014, a Scientific Symposium took place one day earlier in Cologne, being organized by [[MOGiS e.V.]] and [[pro familia]] NRW.
In 2015, the WWDOGA is followed by a "Genital Autonomy" conference in the ''Haus der Jugend'' (Youth Hostel) in Frankfurt/Main.
== List of Speakers in 2015 ==
* [[Guy Sinden]], [[Droit au corps]], [[]]
* [[Marilyn Milos]], [[NOCIRC]] (USA)
* [[Ali Utlu]], [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener]] at[[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[Viola Schäfer]], [[intaktiv]] e.V.
* [[Mina Ahadi]], [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime]] (Germany)
* [[Christian Bahls]], [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[Renate Bernhard]], activist against ([[FGM]]), member of [[pro familia]] NRW
* [[Shemuel Garber]], [[intaktiv]] e.V. (USA)
* [[Simon Zobel]], (talking about "bodily diversity of sex development")
* [[Lena Nyhus]], [[Intact Denmark]]
* [[Kaan Göctas]] (Istanbul)
== List of Speakers in 2014 ==
* [[Victor Schiering]], [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener]] at [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[David Smith]], [[NORM-UK]]
* [[Mohamed Louizi]]
* [[Viola Schäfer]], [[Intaktiv]] e.V.
* Dr. [[Christoph Kupferschmid]], [[BVKJ]]
* [[Mina Ahadi]], [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime]] (Germany)
* [[Christa Müller]], [[(I)NTACT]]
* Dr. [[Jérôme Segal]], Universität Paris-Sorbonne
* [[Renate Bernhard]], [[pro familia]] NRW
* [[Christian Bahls]], [[MOGiS e.V.]]
== List of Speakers in 2013 ==
* [[Viola Schäfer]], [[Intaktiv]] e.V.
* [[Mina Ahadi]], [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime]] (Germany)
* [[Irmingard Schewe-Gerigk]], [[TERRE DES FEMMES]]
* [[Alexander Bachl]], [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener]] at[[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[Bernd Kammermeier]], [[gbs]] Rhine-Main (Germany)
* Dr. med. [[Wolfram Hartmann]], [[BVKJ]]
* [[Christian Bahls]], [[MOGiS e.V.]]
== Supporting Organizations ==
=== Germany ===
* [[]]
* [[Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne]]
* [[BVKJ]]
* [[DAKJ]]
* [[Deutscher Frauenring]]
* [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener]] at [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[Forum Männer]]
* [[Giordano Bruno Stiftung]] (''foundation'')
* [[HVD]]
* [[IBKA]]
* [[(I)NTACT]]
* [[Intaktiv]]
* [[MOGiS e.V.]]
* [[NetzwerkB]]
* [[Partei der Humanisten]] (''Humanists Party'')
* [[Piratenpartei]] (''Pirates Party'')
* [[Pro familia]] NRW
* [[Schlupfwinkel]] e.V. Nuremberg
* [[TABU e.V.]]
* [[Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime]] (Germany)
=== France ===
* [[Droit au corps]]
=== Great Britain ===
* [[Genital Autonomy]]
* [[NORM-UK]]
=== Switzerland ===
* [[Intact Switzerland]]
* [[Pro Kinderrechte CH]]
=== Scandinavia ===
* [[Intact Denmark]] (Danmark)
* [[Just a snip]] (Danmark)
* [[Sexpo Foundation]] (Finland)
=== Israel ===
* [[Protect the Child]]
=== Africa ===
* [[Intact Africa]]
* [[Intact Kenya]]
=== America ===
* [[Attorneys for the Rights of the Child]], California (USA)
* [[Bay Area Intactivists]] (USA)
* [[Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project]] (Canada)
* [[Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership]] (Canada)
* [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]] (USA)
* [[NOCIRC]] (USA)
=== Australia ===
* [[AIGA Inc.]]
== Web Links ==
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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