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Fifteenth International Symposium

2 bytes added, 10:22, 26 July 2022
* '''[[Brendon Marotta]]''' is an award-winning filmmaker who has been making films since he was 14 years old. Brendon graduated from the {{UNI|University of North Carolina|UNC}} School of the Arts Film School, to work as a professional film editor. ''[[American Circumcision]]'' is his first feature-length documentary as director. Austin, {{USSC|TX}}, USA.
* '''[[Paul Mason]]''', {{BA}}, LLB, Family Law Barrister, Former Children's Commissioner, Tasmania, is a family solicitor and barrister of 39 years, and was Tasmania’s Children's Commissioner for 3½ years. In a lifelong interest in the rights of children, their [[genital autonomy]] rights became a focus in 2008, from a chance question by a paediatrician at a government meeting in Hobart. In 2008, Paul became inaugural patron of GA UK and in 2014 Chair of the [[Australasian Institute for Genital Autonomy]]. Paul has written and presented on the rights of every child to protection from violence of all kinds – including medically unnecessary genital cutting - both here and over-seas. Brisbane, Queensland{{AUSC|QLD}}, Australia.
* '''[[Marilyn Fayre Milos]]''', {{RN}}, is the co-founder and Executive Director of the [[National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers]] (NOCIRC), the first clearinghouse for information about circumcision in the USA (1985), now [[Genital Autonomy - America]], and coordinator of the International Symposia on Genital Autonomy and Children's Rights. She is co-editor of eight symposia proceedings books and the editor of the ''NOCIRC Annual Newsletter'', now ''GA - America Annual Newsletter''.
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