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Sexual effects of circumcision

43 bytes added, 01:41, 19 October 2022
Kim & Pang (2007) found that 20% reported that their sex life was worse after circumcision and 6% reported that it had improved. They concluded that "there was a decrease ... sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings."<ref name="kimpang2006"/>
Masood et al., in their study mentioned earlier of men [[circumcised ]] for benign disease, found that 61% reported satisfaction with the results, while 17% felt it made things worse, and 22% expressed neutral sentiments. 44% of the patients (p = 0.04) and 38% of the partners (p = 0.02) thought the penis appearance improved after circumcision. The authors of the study concluded that the satisfaction rate was a 'poor outcome,' given the pre-procedure penile disease state and recommended discussing with prospective patients the results of this study during the [[informed consent]] process.<ref name=masood2005/>
Shen et al. reported that [[Adolescent and adult circumcision | adult circumcision]] appeared to result in improved satisfaction in 34 cases (of 95 adults being circumcised), the association was statistically significant.<ref name="shen2004"/>
Senkul et al. reported that they did not find a statistically significant difference in BMSFI satisfaction scores in their study of 42 adult circumcision patients.<ref name="senkul2004"/>

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