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Double standard

6,056 bytes added, 18:55, 30 November 2022
GREENS parliamentary group: fixed wiki link
=== [[Bündnis 90/Die Grünen]] ===
==== GREENS parliamentary group ====
In 2020, the [[GREENS]] parliamentary group, led by MdB Sven Lehmann, introduced a draft law for a so-called ''Self-Determination Act''<ref>{{REFdocument
|publisher=[[GREENS]] parliamentary group
}}</ref> that is intended to strengthen the rights of intersex/transsexuals. Among other things, it is formulated in § 3 (ban on genital-altering surgical interventions): "Parents cannot consent to a genital-altering surgical intervention on the internal or external sexual characteristics of the child. [...]" The last sentence of this paragraph has it all: "§ 1631d BGB remains unaffected." This not only leaves the discriminatory and obviously unconstitutional [[German Circumcision Act|circumcision law]] untouched, but also the protection of intersexual and transsexual people has led to an absurdity whose legal conflict can hardly be resolved in this way. How, for example, is genital mutilation in a boy to be assessed from a legal point of view if the person concerned later decides that the classification "male" did not correspond to their feelings? According to the [[German Circumcision Act]], it might have happened legally, but not according to the [[GREENS]]' draft self-determination law.
A commenter on Sven Lehmann's Facebook page commented appropriately: "Especially intersexual and transsexual children are dependent on their foreskin, since this is urgently needed for later self-determined operations. [...] Whoever, like the Greens, sees gender as a freely selectable continuum, but at the same time completely binary and independent of the concrete one characteristics of the sexual organs that legalize genital mutilation makes itself completely implausible."<ref>{{REFweb
|title=comment Luisemarie Keck
|publisher=Sven Lehmann
==== [[Volker Beck]] ====
[[File:Netzregeln10-Volker-Beck.jpg|thumb|100px|Beck 2010]]
|Author=Volker Beck
In the [[Circumcision Debate]] he still denies, however, that religions engage here in the rights of others and that children are at all bearers of [[human rights]]:
|Author=Volker Beck
Also in 2015, he recruited vehemently for the opening of marriage for all. On June 12, 2015, he stated on Facebook, little self-critical:
==== Britta Haßelmann ====
[[File:2020-02-13 Britta Haßelmann (Bundestagsprojekt 2020) by Sandro Halank–1.jpg|thumb|100px|Britta Haßelmann (2020)]]
On 10 December 2019, Britta Haßelmann, member of the Green Bundestag, posted a photo on Facebook to mark International Human Rights Day:
|Title=Today is Human Rights Day.
|Text=All human beings are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law without distinction.
|Author=Britta Haßelmann
|title=Heute ist der Tag der Menschenrechte
|trans-title=Today is Human Rights Day
This self-evident and commendable message is in strong contrast to her voting behavior on the [[German Circumcision Act]] of [[2012-12-12]], where she did not care about the right to protection under the law for underage boys in Germany. "Team Britta" responds to criticism of this double standard on Facebook by deleting corresponding comments.
==== Lamya Kaddor ====
[[File:2018-05-14-Lamya Kaddor -hart aber fair-9018.jpg|thumb|100px|Lamya Kaddor (2018)]]
The Islamic scholar and [[GREENS]] Bundestag candidate 2021 Lamya Kaddor wrote an article on ''T-Online'' in January 2021 on the debate about the explicit anchoring of children's rights in the German Basic Law, in which she wants to emphasize children's rights, but with her comments on male rights genital mutilation in children immediately reduces their commitment to children's rights to absurdity:
|Title=The rights of our children are in bad shape
|Text=It will be important to ensure that the construction of a playground does not automatically receive priority, that parents can continue to determine the development of their children and that freedom of religion is preserved. In the case of the latter, the ritual circumcision of boys in Judaism and Islam will again come into focus. Their opponents are already sharpening their feathers.
However, since the practice, if it is carried out medically professionally and early enough, has no humiliating or even traumatizing moment, has always been part of two major world religions, does not entail any particular disadvantages and, above all, does not involve any significant counter-movement among those affected themselves, i.e among male Jews and Muslims, is challenged, its defenders will still have a good hand.
|Author=Lamya Kaddor
|title=Um die Rechte unserer Kinder ist es schlecht bestellt
|trans-title=The rights of our children are in bad shape
}}</ref> All of the arguments in the motion at the time would also apply to give boys the same protection. Ms. Roth does not seem to see it that way to this day (2022).
=== [[FDP]] ===
==== Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger ====
[[File:Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger.jpg|thumb|100px|Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger 2013]]
The former FDP Minister of Justice (1992-1996 and 2009-2013) was in charge of the [[German Circumcision Act]]. In a ''Deutschlandfunk'' report in May 2019, ignoring the double standard between her request and her actions in 2012, she demands:
|Text='''The constitution must make it absolutely clear: "Children and young people are bearers of all fundamental rights from birth," says former Federal Minister of Justice Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger.'''
|Author=Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger
|title=Kinderrechte ins Grundgesetz, Eine Forderung von Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger
=== Central Council of Jews in Germany ===
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