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12 bytes added, 15:27, 30 May 2022
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'''DJW''' is a man from British Columbia who in 2007 attempted to circumcise his four-year-old son on the kitchen floor of his home in April 2007. He used a carpet blade that he purchased at Home Depot earlier that day and sterilized. He didn’t give his son any anesthetic, just four ounces of homemade honey wine. The circumcision wasn’t successful and there was significant [[bleeding]], which the father stopped with the help of a veterinary blood-stopping agent and paper towels.
The result,” according to court documents submitted by the Crown, was “the foreskin on D.J.’s penis stuck out like two arms. D.J. was not circumcised. He was disfigured.”
The trial judge found the kitchen was not a sanitary place for a surgical procedure, that the blade used wasn't as sharp as a surgical instrument and it was inappropriate to use a veterinary product to try and staunch the [[bleeding ]] from the boy's partly severed foreskin.
DJW's religious background was as a Jehovah's Witness, although he was "disfellowshipped" by his family and the church. The Crown said his religious education and associations later led him to believe that male circumcision was a covenant with God.
He attempted to circumcise himself in 2005 and could not stop the [[bleeding]]. He had to go to an emergency room where a doctor sutured the wound.
His name is under a publication ban to protect the child's identity.<ref name="MontrealGazette"/>
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