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Matthias Ehm

29 bytes added, 04:22, 23 June 2022
Revise text, Wikify.
* We therefore call for the prohibition of all medically non-essential and urgently necessary genital-changing interventions on children and adolescents. This includes in particular the genital-changing operations on intersexuals.
* We call for the removal of the transsexual law and the introduction of an unbureaucratic, health insurance funded and, above all, self-determined procedure for physical alignment. No more compulsory assessment and compulsory therapy!
* And we call for the replacement of [[German Circumcision Act| paragraph 1631d ]] from the Civil Code, which leaves children and adolescents without protection who have been assigned a male sex because of the physical characteristic "penis".
[[Genital autonomy]] is an inalienable human right. Let's fight for it together. Thanks a lot.

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