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Tenth International Symposium

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The '''Tenth International Symposium''' on Circumcision, Genital Integrity and Human Rights convened in the Examination Schools at the [ University of Keele], Keele, Newcastle, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom on September 4-6, 2008.
* '''Chantal Zabus''' is Professor of Postcolonial Literature and Gender Studies at the University Paris 13, a Researcher at the University of Paris 3‑Sorbonne Nouvelle, and a Senior Scholar at the Institut Universitaire de France, Paris. She is the author of ''Between Rites and Rights: Excision in Women’s Experiential Texts and Human Contexts'', Stanford UP, 2007); ''The African Palimpsest'' (Rodopi, 1991; rpt 2007); ''Tempests after Shakespeare'' (Palgrave, 2002). She has also edited ''Le Secret'' (with J. Derrida, Louvain, 1999), and ''Changements au féminin en Afrique noire'' (L’Harmattan, 2000). ''Fearful Symmetries: Essays and Testimonies Around Excision and Circumcision'' is forthcoming with Rodopi this year, and she is currently editing ''Perennial Empires'' (with Silvia Nagy‑Zekmi). Paris, France.
* '''Ilenia Zanotti''', PhD, received her degree in Psychology at the University of Padua. She is a member of Padua Working Group on FGM. Padua, Italy.
== Proceedings ==

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