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Tenth International Symposium

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* '''Prasad Godbole''', MB BS, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Paeds), FEAPU, is a Consultant Paediatric Urologist and Surgeon at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. He specialises in paediatric urology, with an interest in dysfunctional voiding and intractable wetting disorders, paediatric urinary tract stone disease, reconstructive urology, including hypospadias. He is a member of the British Medical Association, The Royal College of Surgeons of England, British Association of Paediatric Urologists, European Society for Paediatric Urology, British Association of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology, Medical Defence Union. Sheffield, UK.
* '''[[R. Wayne Griffiths]]''', MS, MEd, a sociologist and educator, received his MS from BYU and his MEd from Oregon State University and did post graduate work at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He was an assistant professor of sociology and criminology at Armstrong State College in Savannah, Georgia. He is the co‑founder of the National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM), which was founded in 1989, and is the Executive Director, handling all inquiries about restoration. He has written and published a number of articles on foreskin restoration. At the 8th International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity, and Human Rights. University of Padua, Italy, he reported on the results of an ongoing survey about the attitudes and feelings of men concerning circumcision and restoration. Concord, CA, USA.
* '''[[James Loewen]]''', Photographer, discovered his circumcised status at age seven, which sparked his outrage. Artistic abilities as a child led him to a career as a photographer and many fascinating assignments, including a three‑month project in 1975, photographing the activities at the sex‑change clinic of the notorious Dr. John Brown. In 1993, Loewen happened upon [[Jim Bigelow]]’s book, ''The Joy of Uncircumcising'', and began connecting with others opposed to infant and childhood genital surgeries. His lifetime of questioning gender, sexual roles, and orientation has informed his artistic and intactivist activities. Currently he is making videos related to intactivism and hosting a YouTube channel, “intactivist1” with many collected video clips related to the issue. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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