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United States of America

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Late twentieth century: Add text and citation.
The statement in the 1971 manual was good medical science, then and now, but it did not sit well with the membership of the AAP because it provided no basis on which to promote non-therapeutic circumcision for profit. A four-member "ad hoc" task force was formed to produce a new statement to fit the desires of the membership which was published in ''Pediatrics'' in 1975.<ref name="aap1975">{{REFjournal
|title=Report of the Ad Hoc Task Force on Circumcision
}}</ref> The new statement had not a single citation of any other document. While it recognized the validity of the 1971 statement, It claimed without any basis that parents had a right to circumcise a newborn infant boy for "traditional, cultural, and religious factors".<ref name="aap1975" />
The statement claimed facilitation of hygiene, prevention of [[phimosis]], and prevention of [[penile cancer]] as reasons that parents may elect non-therapeutic infant circumcision.<ref name="aap1975" />
The statement expressed no concern for the [[pain]] of circumcision, nor did it provide information on the functions and value of the [[foreskin]] nor did it recognize the child as a person with domestic and international rights to self-determination and physical integrity. The statement carefully avoided recommending [[circumcision]] and placed the responsibility for the certain amputation injury on the parents rather than on the attending physician.<ref name="aap1975" />
The 1975 statement served as the AAP's position statement until 1989.

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