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8 bytes added, 15:26, 25 August 2022
}}</ref> or direct oral suction of the wounded child's penis, has been mounting recently, but parents who are asked about details surrounding their children's deaths, who performed their child's circumcisions, whether or not metzitzah b'peh was performed, etc., are often not forthcoming to protect the reputation of the ritual circumcisers in their community.
Parents of children who were [[circumcised ]] in the secular setting of the hospital may also agree to repeat whatever their doctor told them to protect both the reputation of the doctor involved, and to keep their conscience free of the fact that they gave their consent to the procedure.
==Surveys of deaths==
Schröder et al. (2021) reviewed the experience of the [ Hospital for Sick Children] in Toronto with regard to circumcision-related emergency admissions between 2000 and 2013. They found that 19 previously healthy neonates had emergency admissions for circumcision complications. The records of patients who had died were searched to identify those who had been [[circumcised]].
Four of the boys had post-circumcision [[bleeding]]. Four of the boys had [[glans]] amputations. Two previously healthy boys died.<ref name="shroder2021">{{REFjournal

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