World Health Organization

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In July 2012, the WHO (World Health Organization) published a study[1] (just in time for the just then started Circumcision Debate in Germany) which recommended to perform circumcisions as a prevention against HIV/AIDS. This study supposedly promises a 60% protection against AIDS.

Circumcision proponents use this study[2] for justifying even circumcisions on male toddlers and infants in Germany, Europe and Northern America. But the study only referred to Africa (Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa) and only to adults.

In fact, the study is scientifically vulnerable and has since been sharply criticized by experts.


Guideline Development Group (GDG)

In May 2018, the WHO announced to develop new guidelines on male circumcision, focussing on doing even more male circumcisions as a HIV/AIS prevention action.[3] They named the following GDG members:

At least 16 members of the GDG are biased in favor of circumcision, while only 7 members have unclear points of view. Chances are that they are also strongly involved in this topic and take a position in favor of circumcision. The WHO will certainly have deliberately selected and named these experts on circumcision. One can therefore accuse the WHO of bias on this topic.

The following sections are from IntactWiki:

Chief Circumcision Expert:
David R. Tomlinson
Related Organizations:

The World Health Organization endorses male circumcision as an HIV prevention method based on the three RCTs in Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda.[4]

WHO Endorses Circumcision as HIV Prevention
...male circumcision should be considered an efficacious intervention for HIV prevention in countries and regions with heterosexual epidemics, high HIV and low male circumcision prevalence. (World Health Organization)[5]

On their website, they acknowledge that, even if the latest "studies" were correct, "[m]ale circumcision provides only partial protection," and that it should be part of a "comprehensive HIV prevention package" that includes HIV testing and counseling services, treatment for STD infections, the promotion of safer sex practices and the provision of condoms and the promotion of their correct and consistent use.

Note: Even if the recent trials were accurate (and their credibility is highly questionable), circumcision could only reduce the relative risk of acquiring HIV between circumcised and uncircumcised men by 60% over a period of about one year. Condoms have an absolute reduction risk of acquiring HIV that's over 95% (closer to 100% when used properly), making circumcision a moot point.

Chief Expert on Circumcision

David R. Tomlinson is the inventor of the AccuCirc device.[6] He also just so happens to be the "chief expert on circumcision" at the World Health Organization.[7]

Initiatives Since 2006

The Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), together with the WHO Department of HIV/AIDS and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), launched a number of new initiatives in 2006–2007.[8]

Circumcision Manual

In partnership with other WHO departments, UNAIDS, and the Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO), the Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) has developed a Manual for male infant circumcision under local anaesthesia.[9][8] The manual is intended for use by clinical officers, who can be trained to perform uncomplicated circumcision, and to refer more complex cases. The manual is expected to be published in 2011. The manual itself is supported by training guides and a certification framework, to facilitate the upgrading of skills of officers who are not otherwise authorized to perform surgery.

Assessment Toolkit

RHR is also supporting the development of a toolkit that will allow countries to assess their preparedness for introducing or expanding male circumcision services. RHR contributed to a number of other documents dealing with various aspects of male circumcision, including a review of global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability, and a guide to enhancing the quality of male circumcision services.

See also



  3.   (May 2018). WHO to develop new guidelines on male circumcision. Retrieved 26 March 2020.
  4.   (2011). Male circumcision for HIV prevention, World Health Organization. Retrieved 6 May 2011.
  5. World Health Organization. Male circumcision for HIV prevention. (2011)
  6.   Katz, Paula S. (September 2008)."Night work without burnout", Today's Hospitalist. Retrieved 26 September 2011.
    Quote: invention: a circumcision tool to help prevent HIV that has recently been cleared by the FDA.
  7.   Hennessy-Fiske, Molly (26 September 2011)."Injuries linked to circumcision clamps", Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 25 September 2011.
    Quote: Dr. David Tomlinson, who teaches family medicine at Brown University in Providence, R.I., and serves as the World Health Organization's chief expert on circumcision.
  8. a b   (2011). Male circumcision for HIV control, World Health Organization. Retrieved 6 May 2011.
  9.   World Health Organization, JHPIEGO (2010): Manual for early infant male circumcision under local anaesthesia. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Document Production Services. ISBN 9789241500753. Retrieved 1 June 2011.