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Matthias Franz

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'''Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz''' (* {{LifeData|1955}}) Specialist in Psychosomatic Medicine, a specialist in neurology and psychiatry, training analyst, is Professor of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, {{UNI|Heinrich-Heine University|HHU}}, Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf and Deputy Director of the Institute of Clinical Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (UKD).
At the [[Scientific Symposium]] on the day before the [[WWDOGA]] 2014, he gave a lecture on the topic of 'Psychotraumatological and psychoanalytic aspects of boy [[circumcision]]'<ref></ref>.
== Research areas ==
Psychosomatic epidemiology (incidence, course, causes and prevention of mental / psychosomatic illnesses), development of innovative preventive interventions in the municipal field, single parents, fatherless, research on emotions ([[Alexithemia| alexithymia]]).
== Curriculum vitae ==
* Studies and {{PhD }} at the {{UNI|Ruprecht Karls Karl University |RKU}} in Heidelberg (Germany)
* 1993 Habilitation
* 1995 Appointed professor at the {{UNI|Heinrich Heine University of Dusseldorf Düsseldorf|HHU}} (Germany)
== Political activities ==
Since April 2017, he is an [[intaktiv]] Ambassador.
== PRECK study on late effects of circumcision ==
Since 2019, a study has been carried out at the {{UNI|University of Düsseldorf|HHU}} to clarify the possible after-effects of juvenile boy circumcision, in which Prof. Matthias Franz and Peter Richter are significantly involved.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Studie zu Spätfolgen der Beschneidung
|trans-title=Study on late effects of circumcision
== Works (Selection) ==
* M. Franz (Hrsg.): ''Die Beschneidung von Jungen - Ein trauriges Vermächtnis'', Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2014, ISBN 978-3525404553<ref>[ Vorwort von M. Franz] (pdf), Inhaltsverzeichnis</ref>.
== External links =={{SEEALSO}}* [[Literature]]* [[Psychological issues of male circumcision]]* [[Trauma]]{{LINKS}}
* [ Wikipedia (German): Matthias Franz]
== See also =={{ABBR}}* [[Literature]]{{REF}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Franz, Matthias}}
== References ==[[Category:Person]]<references />[[Category:Male]]
[[Category:Germany]][[Category:intaktiv Ambassadorambassador]]
[[Category:Study on MGM]]
[[de:Matthias Franz]]

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