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Peter W. Adler

473 bytes added, 23 April
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# Physicians use fraudulent conduct in the hospital: they target newborn boys who are unable to defend themselves; target mothers who have just given birth, often on medications, who they should know are legally incapacitated; and medical professionals often badger the parents to give permission numerous times, which constitutes coercion.
# Urged on by the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]], a trade association with an undisclosed financial bias in favor of perpetuating [[circumcision]], physicians make fraudulent medical claims to persuade parents to elect [[circumcision]]. These include the false claims that [[circumcision]] prevents urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and some sexually transmitted infections including [[HIV]], and the claim that the benefits outweigh the risks, which is illogical as the AAP conceded in 2012 that it does not know the risks, and the AAP assigned no value to the foreskin, even though genitally intact man greatly value it. Physicians also use fraudulent diagnoses including phimosis or a tight foreskin, which is normal, and “newborn boy”.
# Physicians and the AAP make the implied and express fraudulent legal claims that boys have no right to bodily integrity; that parents have the right to elect non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] (and for reasons having nothing to do with medicine); and that physicians have the legal right to take orders from parents to perform unnecessary surgery on a healthy child.
# As shown in the 2011 Medicaid article, physicians then commit Medicaid fraud by falsely certifying to state Medicaid agencies when they bill for reimbursement that it is medically necessary to circumcise healthy boys, and by using fraudulent diagnoses.
== Videos ==
=== Is the Circumcision of Children a Fraud? ===
=== Male Circumcision Violates the Physician's Fiduciary Duty to the Child ===
=== Peter Adler on Why Circumcision is a Fraud and Landmark Legal Action ===
|title=The Draft CDC Circumcision Recommendations: Medical, Ethical, Legal, and Procedural Concerns
|journal=The International Journal of Children's Rights
* {{REFbook
|author-link=Peter W. Adler
|title=[[Circumcision Is A Fraud: And The Coming Legal Reckoning]]
* [[United States of America]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Adler, Peter W}}
[[Category:Legal scholar]]

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