Heart attack
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Heart attack is a rare but very serious complication of circumcision.
The Stamford Advocate (2008) reported the case of Matthew Nelson, who had a medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic infant circumcision. Matthew started to wheeze at the age of four months. He was seen by several pediatricians and give several different diagnoses and several different treatments which did not help his condition.
Finally he was seen by Dr. Martin, a pulmonologist, who observed Matthew's behavior, then took Matthew away for ten minutes. When he came back he said
I'm going to be blunt,he told the Nelsons, according to Jason's recollection.Your son does not have asthma. He's had a heart attack and is in heart failure, and he's going to have surgery within 24 hours.Matthew hadcardiac asthma,wheezing associated with heart failure. The seizure he'd had during circumcision was actually a heart attack. Martin explained that a team was en route to whisk the baby to Children's Hospital, where Richard Jonas, the cardiothoracic pediatric surgeon who had operated on Martin's nephew for the same problem, would try to save the baby's life.[1]
Matthew actually had a very serious malformation of his cardiac arteries, that is called Anomalous Left Coronary Artery From the Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA), which is a rare but serious congenital cardiac anomaly.[2]
Adult candidates for surgery are required to have a work-up to determine their suitability for surgery, however infant boys do not receive the same consideration. The American Academy of Pediatrics long has stated that circumcision should only be performed when the infant boy is "stable and healthy",[3] but nothing is done to verify the suitability of the infant to withstand painful, traumatic surgery. Infant boys are not even given a blood-clotting test prior to the cutting, so there are cases in which the bleeding disorder is discovered only on the operating table.
Baby Matthew was not a candidate for surgery, however he had it anyway.
Editorial comment by Intactiwiki
Circumcision of male children was adopted into medical practice in the late 19th century. It is essentially the practice of periah that was adopted by the Jewish rabbis in the second century AD. There is nothing modern or contemporary in the practice.
Baby boys are not born with a diseased penis, so there is no disease to treat. Circumcision of infant boys is non-therapeutic and medically-unnecessary.
Medical doctors in the United States are paid on a fee-for-service basis, so the more services the doctor performs, the greater is the fee that he earns.
Introduction of modern precautions, such as ultrasound or EKG testing, have not been introduced because that would destroy the profit that drives the practice of circumcision in America, so the American practice remains much as the ancient rabbis dictated with the same degree of pain, trauma and loss of function.
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(22 December 2008)."Parents' perseverence helps in diagnosis of baby's rare malady", The Stamford Advocate. Retrieved 26 July 2024.
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Mancini MC (10 August 2020).
Anomalous Left Coronary Artery From the Pulmonary Artery
, Medscape. Retrieved 26 July 2024. - ↑
Schoen EJ, Anderson G, Bohon C, Hinman F, Poland RL, Wakeman EM. Report of the Task Force on Circumcision. Pediatrics. 1989; 84(2): 388-91. PMID. Retrieved 27 July 2024.