Re B and G (children) (No 2) EWFC 3

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Re B and G (Children) (No 2) [2015] EWFC 3, [2015] is a British family law case which has attracted considerable legal commentary. The judge was Sir James Munby (born 27 July 1948), President of the Family Division and former Chairman of the Law Commission for England and Wales.[1] Munby may have read the Brief to the Law Commission of England and Wales by Christopher P. Price entitled Male Circumcision: A Legal Affront,[2] since he later cited the published version.

A girl of African-Muslim ancestry reportedly was abandoned on the streets of the city of Leeds, West Yorkshire. This resulted in the girl, designated as "G" and her brother, designated as "B" being taken into custody and placed with a foster parent.[1]

This case was brought by the local authority due to their being concerns that G had received a female circumcision.[3]

External links


  1. a b REFdocument Bangham, Samantha: Judgment, Family Law. (14 January 2015). Retrieved 9 September 2020.
  2. REFweb Price, Christopher (1996). Male Circumcision: A Legal Affront. Retrieved 12 September 2020.
  3. REFweb Proudman, Charlotte. Female Genital Mutilation: Re B and G. Retrieved 9 September 2020.