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== Network groups ==
== Network groups ==
* [[The Whole Network of Canada]]
=== USA ===
* [[The Whole Network of Nevada]]
* Alabama: [[A.I.M. - Alabama's Intact Movement]]
* [[The Whole Network of South Asia]]
* Alaska: [[]]
* [[The Whole Network of Sweden]]
* Arizona: [[AZIS ~ Arizona's Intact Sons]]
* Arkansas: [[Saving Arkansas Newborns Everyday (S.A.N.E.)]]
* California: [[CHANGE-Californians Helping Advocate for Newborn Genital Equality]]
* Colorado: [[C.H.I.L.L.-  Coloradans Having Intact Lads & Lassies]]
* Connecticut: [[I.N.T.A.C.T. Intactivists for Newborns Together Across CT]]
* Delaware: [[Delaware - Whole Network]]
* Florida: [[FINE - Floridians for Intact Newborn Equality]]
* Georgia: [[BLING! - Babies Left Intact 'N Georgia!]]
* Hawaii: [[H.A.W.A.I.I. Hawaii Advocates for Whole & Intact Infants]]
* Idaho: [[WINK - Wholeness for Idaho's Newborn Kids]]
* Illinois: [[KISS - Keep Illinois' Sons Safe]]
* Indiana: [[W.I.N. - Whole Indiana Newborns]]
* Iowa: [[W.I.N. ~ Whole Iowa Newborns]]
* Kansas: [[KISS ~ Kansas Intact & Saving Sons]]
* Kentucky: [[KISS ~ Kentucky Intactivists Saving Sons]]
* Louisiana: [[LIVIN' Louisiana Integrity ~ Valuing Intact Newborns]]
* Maine: [[M.I.N.E. Maine Intact Newborn Education]]
* Maryland: [[LOVE'M Little Ones Valued & Empowered in Maryland]]
* Massachusetts: [[Massachusetts Association for the Genital Integrity of Children - MAGIC]]
* Michigan: [[Michigan Whole Network]]
* Minnesota: [[Minnesota N.I.C.E.]]
* Mississippi: [[G.E.M. Genital Equality for Mississippians]]
* Missouri: [[MINE! - Missourians for Intact Newborn Equality]]
* Montana: [[Montana - Whole Network]]
* Nebraska: [[NIFTY - Nebraska Intactivists for Tomorrow's Youth]]
* Nevada: [[The Whole Network of Nevada]]
* New Hampshire: [[Free to be Whole in New Hampshire]]
* New Jersey: [[New Jersey's Whole Network]]
* New Mexico: [[UNMEGA United New Mexicans Embracing Genital Autonomy]]
* New York: [[T.I.N.Y. Tiny Intact New Yorkers]]
* North Carolina: [[WINC - Wholeness for Infants of North Carolina]]
* North Dakota: [[North Dakota's Whole Network]]
* Ohio: [[N.I.N.O. Newborn Intact Network of Ohio]]
* Oklahoma: [[K.N.O.W - Keeping Newborn Oklahomans Whole]]
* Oregon: [[W.O.N.- Whole Oregon Newborns]]
* Pennsylvania: [[PAGE - Pennsylvania Association for Genital Equality]]
* Rhode Island: [[SPRING - Saving Penises for Rhode Island Newest Generation]]
* South Carolina: [[SCIN - South Carolina Intact Newborns]]
* South Dakota: [[South Dakota's Whole Network]]
* Tennessee: [[GIFT - Genital Integrity For Tennessee]]
* Texas: [[GIFT Genital Integrity For Texas]]
* Utah: [[WAHU!  Whole and Healthy Utahns]]
* Vermont: [[I.G.I.V. Infant Genital Integrity in Vermont]]
* Virginia: [[VIVA! ~ Vowing for an Intact Virginia]]
* Washington: [[WISH Washington: Intact, Safe & Happy]]
* West Virginia: [[WV K.N.O.W.S. West Virginia Keeping Newborns Original, Whole & Safe]]
* Wisconsin: [[W.O.W. ~ Wisconsin Opting for Wholeness]]
* Wyoming: [[Wyoming's Whole Network]]
* [http://www.bayareaintactivists.org/ Bay Area Intactivists]
* Washington D.C.: [[LOVED Little Ones Valued & Empowered in D.C.]]
=== Canada ===
* Canada: [[The Whole Network of Canada]]
* Alberta: [[PACT - Protecting Alberta's Children Together]]
* Atlantic Provinces: [[Atlantic Provinces - The Whole Network]]
* British Columbia: [[Intact British Columbia]]
* Greater Vancouver: [[Greater Vancouver Intactivists]]
* Ontario: [[OWN - Ontario's Whole Newborns]]
* Montreal: [[Circumcision Resources Circoncision Montreal]]
* Saskatchewan: [[Skip: Saskatchewan Keeping Infants Protected]]
* Toronto: [[Toronto Area Intactivists]]
=== International ===
* Africa: [[Africa - Stop Circumcision]]
* Asia: [[Asia's Whole Network]]
* Australia: [[G'Day! Genitally-Secure Delightfully-Intact Australian Youth]]
* France: [[France's Whole Network]]
* Hispanic Nations: [[C.H.I.L.E. Concerned Hispanic Intactivists Leading & Educating]]
* Israel: [[Israel's Whole Network]]
* Mexico: [[Mexico Intacto - Viva el Prepucio]]
* Middle East: [[Middle East - Whole Network]]
* New Zealand: [[T.I.A.K.I. - Tamariki In Aotearoa Kept Intact]]
* Oceania: [[Oceania - Whole Network]]
* Portugal: [[Portugal - Whole Network]]
* South Asia: [[The Whole Network of South Asia]]  
* Spain: [[Spain - Whole Network]]
* Sweden: [[The Whole Network of Sweden]]
* United Kingdom: [[United Kingdom - Whole Network]]
== External links ==
== External links ==

Revision as of 11:15, 21 May 2015

The WHOLE Network is a grassroots, 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity dedicated to providing accurate information about circumcision and proper intact care.

They supply doctors, hospitals, midwives, educators, and parents-to-be with well-researched, up-to-date information.

Network groups




External links