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Declaration of Helsinki (2012)

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''We declare'' that consistent with the Right of Genital Autonomy the only person who may consent to medically unnecessary genital modification and other irreversible reproductive interventions is:
* in the case of a person who is competent to give free and [[informed consent]], being fully informed about the nature, the risks and benefits of the intervention – the person undergoing the intervention; and* in the case of an incompetent person including a young child – only a properly constituted public authority or tribunal appointed to balance the [[human rights ]] and the best interests of the person after considering the views of family members, professionals, and an independent advocate for the person.
''We recognize'' the fundamental right of parents and guardians to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. Those rights of parents and guardians are not absolute, they are limited by the same fundamental [[human rights ]] of others, in particular, their children.
''We declare'' that healthy genital and reproductive organs are natural, normal, functional parts of the human body. Governments and healthcare providers have a duty to educate parents and children about non-invasive hygiene, care of genital and reproductive organs, and to explain their anatomical and physiological development and function.
[[Category:Human rights]]
[[Category:Medical ethics]]
[[de:Helsinki-Erklärung (2012)]]

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