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Surgical Abuse of Intersex Child

47 bytes added, 11 May
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Irreversible surgeries on infants should be avoided in order to give them the widest range of choices when they are older. Performing surgeries will not eliminate the possibility that our prediction turns out to be wrong.
Learn more about the [[intersex ]] rights movement:
== What is intersex? ==
== What do intersex activists want? ==
We are working to replace the current model of [[intersex ]] treatment based on concealment with a patient-centered alternative. We are not suggesting that intersex babies are better off left alone; we want there to be social and psychological support for both the parents and intersex children so that they can deal with social difficulties resulting from being different than others.
In the long-term, we hope to remove those social barriers through education and raising awareness. See Alice Dreger's chart contrasting the two paradigms.
== Are intersex conditions harmful? ==
In general, intersex conditions do not cause the person to feel sick or in pain. However, some [[intersex ]] conditions are associated with serious health issues, which need to be treated medically. However, surgically "correcting" the appearance of intersex genitals will not change these underlying medical needs.
== How common are intersex conditions? ==
No one knows exactly how many children are born with [[intersex ]] conditions because of the secrecy and deception surrounding it, and also because there is no concrete boundaries to the definition of "intersex." It is nonetheless estimated that about one in 2,000 children, or five children per day in the [[United States]], are born visibly intersex, prompting early (and often misguided) intervention.
* [[Intersex]]
* [[Intersex traits]]
* [[United States of America]]
* [ What's the history behind the intersex rights movement?]

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