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20,000 nerve endings

91 bytes added, 05:23, 8 December 2019
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The dissemination of Fleiss’ article took place through the Intactivist movement through [[NOCIRC]], [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision|DOC]], [[NOHARMM]], NRC and “[[Mothers Against Circumcision]]”, amongst others.<ref> ; ; ; ; “For More Information”:</ref>
However, in the article by Bazett ''et al.'' (1932),<ref name ="bazett1932" /> no number is given for the nerve endings in the [[foreskin]] as a whole. Only a count of 212 nerve endings in a 1 cm² piece of a single prepuce tissue is given (see Table 1, p. 492). The 29-page Bazett article of 1932<ref name="bazett1932"/> to which Fleiss refers as a source for his "20,000", without mentioning the page, is only provided with "Conclusions" at CIRP: "For both technical reasons and perceived lack of general interest, CIRP will not present these parts and will only transcribe the conclusions." Pretense? – the entire article is available in the archive of "The JAMA Network"<ref name="JAMA"></ref>.The article may be available in 2019 but it was not available in the spring of 1997.
=== How did Fleiss come to this number, which is nowhere documented? ===
==== Nerve endings in the [[foreskin]] / 1cm² ====
In 1997 Fleiss knew from Bazett ''et al''(1932).<ref name="bazett1932" />,<ref name="JAMA" /> that they had counted 212 nerve endings within a 1cm²-piece of a single [[foreskin]] tissue (Table 1, p. 492). Now it is obvious that Fleiss reckoned similarly therewith and with the [[foreskin]] size of 15 sq.inch = 96.8 cm² (or with 8×13 = 104 cm²): 96.8 cm²×212 nerve endings / cm² = 20,522 nerve endings (or 104×212 = 22,048; short: 100×>200= >20,000). So he obviously came to "more than 20,000 nerve endings".
==== The “ridged band" ====

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