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Psychological issues of male circumcision

2,222 bytes added, 15:14, 10 December 2019
Add report of suicide.
==Depression, rage, and grief in circumcised men==
Research done since the 1960's forward to the present day has elucidated the nature, function, and purpose of the [[foreskin]]. Circumcised men are learning what they have lost, so they are less able to maintain the ego defense of denial of loss,<ref name="watson2017">{{REFjournal
|title=Male circumcision grief: effective and ineffective therapeutic approaches
|journal=New Male Studies: An International Journal
}}</ref> so they increasingly responding with feelings of depression, rage, and grief. At least one case of suicide has been reported.<ref name="lowbridge2019">{{REFnews
|title=My son killed himself after circumcision
|publisher=BBC News
Healing requires grieving the loss of a body part.<ref>{{REFjournal
|first2=Colin Murray
|title=Coping With Loss: Surgery and Loss of Body Parts
}}</ref> Unfortunately, Watson & Goldman (2017) report:
We found that therapists were reluctant to accept that the grief was real, were unaware of foreskin functions, denied circumcision had physical or psychological sequelae and minimized patient grief using humor, cultural aesthetics, controversial
health benefits, sexism and an erroneous understanding of penile anatomy and sexual function. Male therapists were more likely to deny that circumcision is harmful and to be less empathetic than female therapists.<ref name="watson2017" />

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