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Thirteenth International Symposium

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* '''Jonathan Bernaerts''', BA, MA, is a Human Rights Researcher at the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ), where he focuses on children’s rights. He holds BAs in Philosophy and Law from the University of Antwerp (Belgium), a MA degree in international law from the University of Antwerp, and a MA degree in comparative international law from the University of Toulouse (France). He was awarded the European Master Degree in Human Rights and Democratization by the European Inter University Centre in Venice (Italy), for which he spent a semester at the University of Vienna (Austria). His thesis on the circumcision of male children was written under the supervision of Manfred Nowak and Hannes Tretter. Kontich, Belgium.
* '''[[Gregory J. Boyle]]''', PhD (Delaware), PhD (Melbourne), DSc (Queensland), Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, was Professor of Psychology at Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia for 20 years. Currently, he is Head of School at the Australian Institute of Psychology, based in Brisbane. In 2005, he was recipient of the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements Distinguished Reviewer Award. He has contributed over 200 publications, and is Senior Editor of several international handbooks in the fields of personality theory and assessment (SAGE Publishers; Elsevier/Academic Press). Currently, he is Senior Editor of the SAGE series on both cognitive neuroscience and on industrial/organizational psychology. Professor Boyle has lectured in many universities, including Oxford University, Stanford University, and Princeton University. He also served as Associate Dean for Research at Bond University for several years, and as a Re-search Research Consultant to the Australian Army Psychology Corps (Hon Rank: LTCOL) for more than two decades. Professor Boyle has conducted empirical studies regarding the adverse psychosexual impact of infant male circumcision. More recently, his detailed [ critique ] (with '''[[George Hill]]''', Doctors Opposing Circumcision) of the serious methodological, ethical, and legal concerns relating to the African circumcision RCTs (published in the ''Journal of Law and Medicine'' in 2011), attained international prominence. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''Annie Brook''', PhD, LPC, is an author, international speaker, master therapist, and former university professor who has worked in clinics, hospitals, public schools, and in private practice. She supports community awareness and healing. Her work with men began in the late 1980‘s when she started men’s groups in rural locations where there were no male facilitators. Her professional background in infant development gives her keen insight on the impact of early experience on identity and behavior. She trains therapists in body-based therapy work that includes early attachment. Her training programs have male facilitators leading men’s work that is full spectrum and empowering, and includes the tender and outrageous work of recovering from circumcision imprints. She is a somatic psychologist, Registered Movement Educator, and Cranial Sacral practitioner with a Doctorate in Perinatal Psychology and Human Sexuality. She has authored, ''Birth’s Hidden Legacy, From Conception to Crawling'', and ''Sexuality and the Sacred''. Boulder, Colorado, USA.

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