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Arguments pro circumcision

500 bytes added, 18:41, 20 February 2020
added MY baby, My choice.
== Pseudo-parental rights arguments ==
* '''"MY baby, MY choice."'''
*: Many (esp. young) parents still believe that the parental rights are universal, including the right to choose to have their son's genitals mutilated for non-medical reasons. That's not the case. Parental custody is, above all, a parental duty to protect the child from harm and to decide for the good of the child. A purely cosmetic foreskin amputation, which is not medically indicated, is not for the benefit of the child as long as it is unable to make decisions.
* '''"I have given birth to my boy, so he is my property."'''
*: No, he is not. Simple as that. People own equal rights just from their birth onwards. No person is property of another person. Slavery has been abandoned a long time ago. This is 21st century.
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