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Abrahamic covenant

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Many have wondered why God would create men with a [[foreskin]] with documented protective, immunological, sensory, and sexual [[Foreskin#Physiological_functions| physiological functions]] only to require that it be cut off after eight days of life.
Some contemporary Jewish parents feel that [[circumcision]] is a painful amputation that inflicts pain, physical, [[Sexual effects of circumcision| sexual]], and [[Psychological issues of male circumcision| psychological]] harm to a child. They wish to protect a son from such harm and so have adopted a non-cutting naming peaceful naming ceremony usually called [[Brit Shalom]] instead of the traditional [[Brit Milah]].
==Debunking the Abrahamic Covenant==
Professor [[Leonard Glick]] (2005) observes that Genesis contains two covenants between God and Abraham. The first is in Genesis 15:18-21. It does not mention circumcision. The second covenant in Genesis 17 is a later edition by Judean priests.<ref name="glick2005">{{REFbook
}}</ref> Child circumcision did not become firmly established in Israel until after [[Gilgal]] in 1604 BCE, more than two centuries after the death of Abraham. According to Glick, the priests gained control after the Babylonian captivity, which ended in 538 BCE and at that time the changes were made to Genesis Chapter Seventeen.<ref name="glick2005" /> Many have wondered why God would create men with a [[foreskin]] with documented protective, immunological, sensory, and sexual [[Foreskin#Physiological_functions| physiological functions]] only Glick suggests that the choice to require that it be cut off after eight days circumcision of lifeinfants boys may have been because the boys cannot put up resistanceSome contemporary Jewish parents feel It is clear that [[circumcision]] is a painful amputation the alleged covenant that inflicts pain, physical, [[Sexual effects of required circumcision| sexual]], and [[Psychological issues of male circumcision| psychological]] harm to infants on the eighth day was a child. They wish to protect a son later fabrication and did not come from such harm and so have adopted a non-cutting naming peaceful naming ceremony usually called [[Brit Shalom]] instead of the traditional [[Brit Milah]]God.

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