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German Circumcision Act

60 bytes added, 01:42, 12 March 2020
Apparent violations of the Basic Law: Wikify GG articles.
===Article One===
Dignity is the quality of being worthy of respect. [[Art. 1 GG| Article one One]] provides that state authority shall be used to respect and protect human dignity. There are no age limits for human dignity, so even newborn babies are entitled to have their human dignity respected.
===Article Two===
The second section of [[Art. 2 GG| Article Two ]] provides a right to physical integrity. Circumcision of male children violates the child's right to physical integrity because it amputates functional tissue from the penis without any medical necessity.
===Article Three===
Paragraph Two of [[Art. 3 GG| Article Three ]] provides that "men and women shall have equal rights." However, the German circumcision law denies rights to males that are protected for females.
Paragraph Three of Article Three provides that "no person shall be favoured or disfavoured because of sex, …" however boys are disfavoured by the Circumcision Act while girls are favoured.
===Article Four===
[[Art. 4 GG| Article Four ]] guarantees religious rights. Even baby boys have religious rights that they may exercise when they are older. Some religions favor circumcision while some other religions disfavor circumcision. Circumcision of a small boy denies the boy his right to decide about his circumcision in accordance with his religious view.
==Federal Constitutional Court==

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