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American Academy of Pediatrics

122 bytes added, 23:44, 12 April 2020
History of AAP circumcision policy: Revise introduction.
==History of AAP circumcision policy==
The AAP evidently has an apparent long standing policy of appointing members of its various circumcision task forces who are believed by reason of published statements and/or ethnicity to be [[Bias| biased]] in favor of non-therapeutic male circumcision. Some such members are:
* [[Edgar J. Schoen]]
It is thought that the AAP has never appointed a man with chooses [[circumcised doctors]] who don't have a [[foreskin]] to one of its task forces, so personal knowledge and understanding of a normal body part has been lacking on its various task forces, perhaps believing that such doctors will be [[Bias| biased]] in favor of circumcision. The AAP apparently hopes to continue to produce statements in favor of [[circumcision]] so that the collection of revenue from circumcision can continue.
===First policy (1971)===

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