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Circumcision advocate

776 bytes added, 11:35, 29 August 2020
added "REAL Circumcision Truths." and link to Hayim Leiter
* [ Circumcision Facts and Science]
:: "Health benefits from circumcising are leading medical organizations to recommend circumcision."
* [ REAL Circumcision Truths.]
:: "Due to several anti-circumcision extremists spreading lies and fear about infant circumcision, I decided to create this group to get the real truth on circumcision out. There are both pros and cons to circumcision and both should be known and should be discussed without hatred and shaming, which is what the anti-circumcision extremists do. I also want to expose the extremists method of operation so that their shaming and degrading doesn't keep parents from making a fully informed decision about circumcision."
* [ Watching Mutilation Watch]
:: "Since Facebook does not want to take down Mutilation Watch, a horrible bully page, we have decided to give those folks a taste of their own medicine."
:: "This page is devoted to exposing the anti-Semitic roots of intactivism."
It is striking that the choice of words is always often quite aggressive and full of ad hominem attacks, intactivists are referred to here often as liars, etc. At first glance, groups like ''The Antisemitic Roots of Intactivism'' seem to be important, since intactivists don't tolerate anti-Semitism of course, too. But groups whose names already imply that intactivism is fundamentally anti-Semitic disqualify themselves from the outset as being biased. Most of these pages are run anonymously, while e.g. "REAL Circumcision Truths." seems to be a covered advertising page from mohel [[Hayim Leiter]] who does all the contribution.
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