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Parental circumcision information on line

66 bytes added, 22:45, 31 August 2020
no edit summary
===Genital Autonomy America===
[[Genital Autonomy America]] is the new name of the former National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC), starting in January 2016.
It has a new website with a resource page with links to sources of information of interest to parents.
* {{REFweb
===Your Whole Baby===
===Genital Autonomy America===
[[Genital Autonomy America]] is the new name of the former National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC), starting in January 2016.
It has a new website with a resource page with links to sources of information of interest to parents.
* {{REFweb
===Saving Our Sons===
[[Saving Our Sons (SoS)| Saving Our Sons]]
[[Category:Parental information]]

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