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Circumcision advocate

18 bytes added, 16:24, 29 June 2021
Bullying techniques: Minor revision to text.
== Bullying techniques ==
Chances are that discussions about the [[MGM]] topic will culminate in an exchange of unkindness. There is no tendency to determine whether [[intactivist]]s or circumcision advocats advocates have started to escalate a discussion; people and situations are too different for that and each person has other trigger words on which to react on. But there are samples which often repeat and are used by circumcision advocats advocates mostly, especially when they can no longer stand up argumentatively.
* Accuse the opponent as being anti-Semitic.
* Cite [[arguments pro circumcision]] that have long since been refuted.
* Claim that inactivists are not about children's rights.
* Claim that intactivists are pedophilepedophiles.
* Denounce inactivists to their employer/organization/party as anti-Semites, etc.
* Deny and make fun of personal experiences and sufferings from mutilated men.
* Distract from the topic.
* Focus on the child's penis, not on his [[human rights]].
* Give names.
* Insist on [[arguments pro circumcision|circumcision myths]] which are already debunked by science or testemoniestestimonies.* Name Call intactivism a "cult".
* Ridicule all arguments of the opponent, without counter arguments.
* Send death threats.

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