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Circumcision advocate

307 bytes added, 16:47, 29 June 2021
Text updates.
Some of these people are committed to their sexual fetish as individuals and influence e.g. information available online (example: [[Jake Waskett]]). Others work in groups and denounce, ridicule or stalk [[intactivists]] or spread myths that have long been refuted by science as arguments for [[circumcision]].
There is reason to believe that many (perhaps most) circumcision advocates are actually victims of circumcision who suffer from [ denial of loss].
== Contradiction in terms ==
Since, according to the current state of science and medical ethics, there is no medical justification for foreskin amputation, there can be no advantages for the affected boy. Therefore, many circumcision advocates expose themselves to this allegedly "neutral" point of view from the outset.
True [[Category:Circumcision fetishist|circumcision fetishists]] like [[Brian Morris]] on the other hand speak straight away: He e.g. has repeatedly called for circumcision to be made compulsory for all boys worldwide, and has claimd claimed that the intact [[foreskin ]] would be a great danger for boys.
== Bullying techniques ==
* [[Adamant father syndrome]]
* [[Anti-Semitism#Anti-Semitism_contradiction|Anti-Semitism contradiction]]

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