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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

4 bytes added, 21:48, 12 January 2022
}}</ref> Professor Eran Elhaik (2016) has postulated a hypothesis, based on allopathic (stress) load that may explain the cause of SIDS. According to Elhaik:<blockquote>
We postulate that while low-level stress can stimulate adaptation, prolonged and repetitive [[iatrogenic ]] stressful, painful, or traumatic experiences during prenatal, perinatal, neonatal, and postneonatal development constitute allostatic overload and are risk factors for SIDS. Due to their total dependence, the infant’s ability to allostatically regulate exposure to stressors is severely constrained, which increases their vulnerability to disease and premature death. Due to their difficulties in maintaining homeostasis and inability to escape/avoid iatrogenic or non-medically nociceptive exposure, infants are vulnerable to toxic stress with preterm infants being the most vulnerable.<ref name="elhaick2016" /></blockquote>
Elhaik lists infant stressors such as:
* maternal smoking

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