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Genital mutilation

261 bytes added, 15:20, 28 March 2022
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It deliberately prevents boys from being protected from genital [[mutilation]] and thus promotes violence against boys.
Boys are thus granted fewer [[human rights]] than girls. [[Mayhem|Bodily harm]] against girls are thus given a criminal offense of their own, while bodily harm against boys, for which the same reasoning would apply, is ignored.<refname="manndat2009">{{REFweb
|title=MANNdat-Schreiben an Bundestagsabgeordnete vom 07.06.2009
* [[J. Steven Svoboda]], a Harvard-trained attorney for [[human rights]], estimates that boys and men are six times as likely to be victims of genital mutilation as girls and women.<ref name="Manndatmanndat2009"/>
* Circumcision is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the world, currently an estimated 25 percent of the world's male population is circumcised.<ref name="wiki_circum"/>
|last=Balster |first=Saskia |url= |archived=yes |title=Phimosebehandlung mit betamethasonhaltiger Salbe |trans-title=phimosis treatment with Ointment containing betamethasone |language=German
|Text=In African countries, for example, circumcision is primarily regarded as an initiation rite for adolescents during puberty. The ability to endure the pain that comes with it is considered a prerequisite for becoming man in many tribes. Often it is a prerequisite for having a wife at all, as women attach importance to marrying a man who has endured this ordeal.
|ref=<ref name="Manndatmanndat2009"/>
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