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Strafbarkeit der Knabenbeschneidung? (Criminal liability for circumcision of boys?) was the title of a conference on 7 April 2022 at the University of Lucerne, which, in the university research focus "Change in the family in the context of migration and globalization", provided a legal appreciation of the medically non-indicated circumcision attempted on boys who were incapable of discernment against the background of medical and theological perspectives.

The aim of the conference was to illuminate and discuss the criminal liability of so-called circumcision of boys against the background of various perspectives involved.


  • Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Szavay, Chief Physician for Pediatric Surgery at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital and former Board Member of the German Society for Pediatric Surgery
  • Christoph Geissbühler, Pro Kinderrechte Schweiz, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Rabbi Dr. David Bollag, Lecturer and researcher at the institute for Jewish-Christian research at the theological faculty of the University of Lucerne and rabbi at the Israelite Cultusgemeinde Zurich
  • Prof. Dr. Erdal Toprakyaran, Professor of Islamic Theology at the Theological Faculty of the University of Lucerne and Professor of Islamic History and Contemporary Culture at the Tübingen Center for Islamic Theology of the University of Tübingen, Germany
  • Dr. Abdelaali El Maghraoui, Research associate in the AIWG long-term research group "Normativity of the Koran" at the Tübingen Center for Islamic Theology of the University of Tübingen, Germany
  • Sarah Wildi, Public Prosecutor, Public Prosecutor's Office for Special Tasks of the Canton of Bern (not present)
  • Sebastian Schneider, Public Prosecutor, Public Prosecutor's Office of the Canton of Bern, Region Bern-Mittelland
  • Prof. em. Dr. Marianne Schwander, Professor of criminal law and criminology at the Bern University of Applied Sciences for Social Work and lecturer at the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Bern
  • Dr. Nora Scheidegger, PostDoc at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg/Breisgau as well as lecturer at the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Bern and lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Lucerne
  • Eda Nur Aydin, Legal trainee and assistant to Dr. Ramazan Baris Atladi, Istanbul, Turkey (not present)
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Eicker, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Lucerne
  • Fabian Brand,Scientific assistant / PhD student, University of Lucerne, University of Freiburg
  • Dr. Ramazan Bariş Atladi, LL.M.[a 1] (Bayreuth), Research associate, habilitand and lecturer in criminal law and criminal procedure law at the law faculty of Akdeniz Üniversitesi Antalya, Turkey

External links


  1. REFweb Master of Laws, Wikipedia. Retrieved 13 October 2021. (Also M.L.; Latin: magister legum or legum magister.)