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David Balashinsky

56 bytes added, 22:07, 19 June 2022
|Text=Grüß dich, and greetings from Binghamton, New York.
My name is David Balashinsky and I'm proud to be speaking to you today on behalf of [[Jews Against Circumcision (J.A.C.)| Jews Against Circumcision]] in observance of the [[Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy]], 2020.
I'd like to begin by clarifying what we're for and what we're against, since the name "[[Jews Against Circumcision]]" is actually a misnomer. It would be more accurate to call ourselves "Jews Against Forced Circumcision." While it's fair to say that we don't approve of any medically-unnecessary genital surgery, we recognize that the same principle that gives people the right not to have their genitals cut or surgically altered without their consent also gives them the right to choose elective genital surgery for any reason they might have, provided they're adults and capable of exercising [[informed consent]].
Here, again, in the worldwide campaign for [[genital autonomy]], we see the same impulse as that of tikkun olam - "repairing the world." This impulse, of course, isn't unique to Jews. It motivates people of all cultures and religions and, of course, free-thinkers who recognize that freedom, dignity and self-determination are universal values and who feel themselves called to fight for universal [[human rights]]. The right of bodily self-ownership and [[genital autonomy]] lies at the very heart of the ongoing struggle for basic [[human rights]] the world over.
The worldwide effort to secure the right of [[genital autonomy]] for every male, female and intersex individual, no matter how old or how young, is what the [[Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy ]] is all about. That is why [[Jews Against Circumcision]] is proud to join our brothers, sisters and non-binary siblings of all faiths, all ethnicities and all nationalities in participating in this international event. And that is why we encourage you, on this day - and every day - to defend that most basic and essential human right: the right of [[genital autonomy]].
Thank you.

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