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Adrienne Carmack

4 bytes added, 16:33, 20 June 2022
Dr. Carmack has been studying urology since 2003. She went into urology because she loved the mix of emergency and long-term care. Some patients need a quick fix, and some need long-term help exploring their illness and finding the best treatment. Urology is a fun and rewarding specialty that offers great potential to help others!
Unfortunately, Dr. Carmack has also witnessed the harm that often comes from medical interventions. In her training, repairing [[Risks and complications| complications]] from newborn [[circumcision]], a completely unnecessary surgery, was a frequent task that had to be performed.
Dr. Carmack was an outstanding speaker at the 2014 [[Genital Autonomy America|Genital Autonomy]] Symposium in Boulder, Colorado.

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