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IOTM award
[[File:JonathanFriedman_FB.jpg|thumb|Jonathan Friedman, 2014 at the 13th [[Thirteenth International Symposium ]] on Genital Autonomy]]
'''Jonathan Friedman''' has been raised as an Orthodox Jew, he as since then observed and been thinking and now is an "[[Intactivists|intactivist]]" who engages for the physical integrity of children as an "advocate for the rights of children" ([[ARC]]).
Jonathan Friedman is contributing author at [[Beyond the Bris]].
== External links Award for intactivism ==Friedman was chosen "[[Intactivist of the Month]]" by [[Intact America]]. {{LINKS}}* [https://www.facebook.com/abolishcircumcision Facebook profile]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drbOjqYB1Ac Youtube: Interview about [[circumcision]] (with German subtitles)], 2012-12-20
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[[Category:Intactivist of the month]]
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