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Ronit Tamir

4 bytes added, 22:00, 22 July 2022
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In Israel, in most cases, circumcisions are performed by [[mohel| MOHALIM]], who are traditional circumcisers, and are religious people, not doctors. They don’t have any medical education and training, are not committed to any hygienic standards, cannot professionally diagnose the baby’s condition and are not allowed to use effective pain relief with local anesthesia.
Instead, they tend to claim that the baby doesn’t feel much [[pain ]] (if any) and the baby’s screams are quieted by giving him a bit of wine during the ceremony. An obligatory part of this ritual is when the circumciser sucks the blood from the wound with his mouth or with a tube exposing the baby to many, some deadly infections.
(I know you might be thinking that I made this up, but it is totally true. This is the way the traditional Jewish ritual is performed when it is not done by a doctor). Although the medical training and education in Israel is in very high standards, medical students don’t even have one hour of education about the [[foreskin]] during their studies. It is very common that parents would go to the doctor, often on completely unrelated issue, and are given a recommendation to have their child circumcised immediately – as if they are endangering his life otherwise.

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