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Prof. John Bernard Ziegler, cojoint professor at the School of Women's and Children's Health, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia. He is or was also Professor at the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Sydney Children's Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

ResearchGate only mentions AIDS as his skill.[1] While it also mentions 206 publications of him, only three journal articles[2] about circumcision have been co-authored by him, all by the circumfetishist Brian J. Morris. Because both were professors at the University of Sydney, it can be assumed that they know each other. Moreover, it can be assumed that Ziegler only gave his name as a co-author, but did not contribute much to the content of the three Morris articles.

Being interested in the AIDS topic, he published a paper on the XIII International AIDS Conference in 2000.[3] It is also possible that Morris became aware of him and developed with him and others the idea that circumcision was a good protection against AIDS (which in fact is not true).
