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53 bytes added, 03:17, 23 August 2022
Opposing circumcision on minors isn't antisemitic: Revise text.
== Opposing circumcision on minors isn't antisemitic ==
Opposing [[circumcision]] has nothing to do with antisemitism which is defined as being or acting against Jews because they are Jews, not because they do this or that. Opposition to [[circumcision]] is opposing an a harmful action action: medically unnecessary [[amputation]] of healthy , functional tissue from the genitals of non consenting minors, completely independent of parental beliefs.
According to a White Paper published by the Danish Mosaic Religious Society, no Jew will deny an [[intact]] boy the right to his membership of the Jewish society:
|Text=You are born a Jew if you are born to a Jewish mother. In principle, there are no Jewish dogma, which means, among other things, that one cannot "deprive" a Jew of his identity as a Jew. There are Jews who do not abide by Jewish rules in any form whatsoever, and others who have cherrypicked cherry-picked among those rules and only adhere to the rules they want. This also applies to circumcision. It might be said this way: <q>For most Jews it is crucial to be circumcised, but it is not essential to be circumcised to be a Jew.</q>
|Author=Danish Mosaic Religious Society
|Source=White Paper: om rituel omskærelse af drenge, page 14
* 17.2% Others
Following these numbers, male Jews who are [[circumcised]] make up at most 0.8 % of the world's [[circumcised ]] men (i.e. eight per thousand).<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Male circumcision: global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability
}}</ref> Therefore, it is totally flawed improper to claim that opposing [[circumcision]] is an expression of antisemitism or neo-Nazism.
Opposition to non-medical [[circumcision ]] of minors as a parental right is directed against the act regardless of the parents' religious affiliation, and not just against the at most 0.8% Jewish [[Brit Milah| circumcisions]].
== Antisemitism contradiction ==

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