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Victor Schiering

4 bytes added, 14:46, 25 August 2022
wikify Informed consent
If you like, please consider now if your hand signal would have been different if you have had this information before, that we were talking about the clitoral foreskin. And if that is the case, it may be a sign that gender stereotypes and cultural influence affect us in our assessments. In cultural areas different from your own it might have been different again. Because cultural influences are very different.
The supporters of the [[Worldwide Day of Genital Autonomy]] come from very different cultures. That's one interesting thing about that day. What unites them is that they all share the opinion of the Australia High Court. Any such intervention is a mutilation if it occurs without the person's [[informed consent]]. We oppose to the standardization of children. Private parts are private parts. That should be sure and remain that way. We stand for diversity. Diversity is beautiful. Thank you for your attention.
|Author=[[Victor Schiering]]
|Source=[[WWDOGA]] 2020
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