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Regret mom

28 bytes added, 20:06, 24 September 2022
'''Regret mom''' is a term used by women who have given birth to a boy and had him [[circumcised]], but now regret having done it to him.
In some countries (esp. in the USA) and cultures (mainly among Jews and Muslims), expectant parents are sometimes urged by their own parents or relatives to have their son circumcised. Even doctors and religious leaders and communities encourage or press them to agree to the [[circumcision]] of the son.
== Stories of regret moms ==
Various regret moms in relevant Facebook groups have been invited to reveal themselves here and to talk about the circumstances of both the [[circumcision ]] and realization that this was a mistake. Some of them will even tell about the hospitals, doctors, [[mohel]]s, relatives and others who urged them to have their boy [[circumcised]].
* [[Heather Hironimus]]
=== Anonymous stories, quoted on the web ===
|Text=I had no idea that babies are strapped down. I was never taught that [[circumcision ]] isn't necessary. I thought it was something that was done for boys. I was a very young mother and not educated in parenting on certain subjects (like this one) until I had my 2nd boy a yr ago. And his was done at the office and that's when I learned and saw with my own eyes what is done to a baby for circumcision. I threw up. I cried and the nurse walked me into the waiting room and I said I change my mind I don't want it done she said it was too late. I regret getting it done for both my boys. I tell my friends now when they are pregnant if they have a boy Don't get it done. And I tell them exactly what they do. In the hospital for New moms to boys they should explain the procedure. I regret it every day. Circumcision doesn't need to be done. I hugged and kissed him and cried. He was in so much pain.
|Text=My long time friend Tori probably sent you a message I sent her thanking her for her [[intactivism]].
I was so ignorant that her posts filled me with blind rage. I was disgusted and sickened that she could "waste" all her energy on something "so trivial", and I felt her obsession was weird.
I gave her my two cents before blocking her for years.
It wasn't until I saw my little boys [[penis ]] on his gender reveal sonogram that I knew in my heart why I was so mad at her, and that my anger was misguided. I wasn't mad at her for sharing those images. I wasn't made uncomfortable by her message.
I was mad that it was so cruel, yet it was normalized in my mind and I did everything to justify it.
I was uncomfortable because the images were violent.
I knew in my heart in that moment which way I leaned. But did about 10 minutes of research before my decision was confirmed, and I have become a devout and vocal [[intactivist ]] since.
And I've followed you and your intactivism ever since.

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