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Preputial sac

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Fleiss, Hodges & Van Howe (1998) reported the presence of cathepsin B, lysosyme, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, and cytokine in the sub-preputial moisture. These substances have a destructive lytic effect on pathogens and make the preputial sac a trap for disease-causing organisms.<ref name="fleiss1998">{{FleissP HodgesF VanHoweRS 1998}}</ref> The presence of the healthy microbiome, the [[Langerhans cells]], and the lytics in the sub-preputial moisture give the preputial sac strong immunological functions. [[Circumcision]] destroys the preputial sac and its protective immunological functions and makes the patient more vulnerable to [[infection]] throughout life.<ref name="fleiss1998" /> One frequently hears the advice to wash the preputial cavity at least daily to prevent infection. This advice is outmoded.<ref name="fleiss1998" /> Washing may introduce pathogens into the preputial cavity. It also removes the skin oil and protective lytic substances described above. It is better to wash only as necessary.  
The presence of the healthy microbiome, the Langerhans cells, and the lytics in the sub-preputial moisture give the preputial sac strong immunological functions.

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