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Circumcision Compilation

20 bytes added, 06:44, 17 November 2022
|Text=The penile foreskin is a natural and integral part of the normal male genitalia. The [[foreskin]] has a number of important protective and sexual functions. It protects the penile [[glans ]] against [[trauma ]] and contributes to the natural functioning of the [[penis]] during sexual activity. Ancient historic accounts and recent scientific evidence leave little doubt that during sexual activity the foreskin is a functional and highly sensitive, erogenous structure, capable of providing pleasure to its owner and his potential partners.
|Source=Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology
|Text=The BMA does not believe that parental preference alone constitutes sufficient grounds for performing a surgical procedure on a child unable to express his own view. Parental preference must be weighed in terms of the child's interests. ... The BMA considers that the evidence concerning health benefit from non-therapeutic circumcision is insufficient for this alone to be a justification for doing it. ... Some doctors may wish to not perform [[circumcisions ]] for reasons of conscience. Doctors are under no obligation to comply with a request to circumcise a child.
|Source=British Medical Association
|Text=Part of my job as a pediatrician is to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. I do not believe there is any justification to impose this procedure on those who cannot be involved in the decision. It is time for the culture of [[routine ]] circumcision to end.
|Author=Dr. [[Kenneth Zatz]]
|Text=We recommend that the [[genital integrity]] of boys be preserved. Parental request for non-therapeutic circumcision of a son appears to exceed the powers granted to parents by law. We further recommend that doctors refuse to perform non-therapeutic [[circumcision ]] at parental request.
|Source=[[Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)]]

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