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Antisemitism club

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This polemical term describes a reasoning of usually Jewish [[circumcision]] advocates to accuse critics of [[circumcision]], [[circumcision]] opponents and [[intactivists]] lump-sum [[anti-Semitism]].
This club has been swung very sharply in the [[Circumcision Debate|circumcision debate 2012]] in various countries:
== Examples ==
=== [[Denmark]] ===# The President of the Central Council of Jews in GermanyRabbi '''Lexner''' told Kristeligt Dagblad, Dieter Graumann, threatened emigration of all Jews from Germany and called the Chancellor, fractions and prime ministers of all provinces “A ban on circumcision is equivalent to saying to bring a law "immediately after the summer break" on the way those that still allows have practiced [[circumcisionJudaism]]. This way he assumed all circumcision critics lump sum to want to create a situation where Jews could not longer live in Germany[[Denmark]] for 400 years that they may as well leave.<refname=Hoare2013">{{REFjournal |url=http://www.focusthetower.deorg/politikarticle/deutschland/urteilthe-zurscandal-beschneidungof-zentralratscandinavia/ |title=The Scandal of Scandinavia |date=2013-sieht04 |first=Liam |init=L |last=Hoare |journal=The Tower Magazine |accessdate=2020-das12-judentum-in-deutschland-gefaehrdet_aid_781855.html25}}</ref># In a longer article titled "The President Scandal of the federation of European rabbisScandinavia", rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt Jewish author '''Liam Hoare''' from Moscow, put the Cologne judgment in connection [[United Kingdom| UK]] pulled out all the stops to lump all alleged or actual cases of anti-Semitism again and again with the Nazi ban circumcision of boys.<ref name=Hoare2013"/> <br>''(IntactiWiki comment: The rhetorical means of throwing as much dirt as possible hoping that something sticks, should not have failed for many readers. Repeatedly talking about circumcision and anti-Semitism in the same context can be seen as [[framing]].)''# '''Fin Rudaizky'Shechita'' and calls it ", a former leader of the heaviest attack on Jewish life since community in [[Denmark]], claimed that in addition to [[intactivist|children’s welfare activists]], “many others use the Holocaust". Thus he assumed sweeping all the people who keep the Cologne decision rightsituation to show that they are against Jews, NazisMuslims, and thus set politians massively under pressurethey can express anti-Semitism and xenophobia without admitting to it.<ref>http{{REFnews |url=https://www.focustimesofisrael.decom/politik/deutschland/tidas-26512/beschneidungsdenmark-urteilconsiders-empoerta-rabbinerban-schwersteron-angriffcircumcision-aufsome-dasjews-juedischeconsider-lebenleaving/ |title=As Denmark considers a ban on circumcision, some Jews consider leaving |website=The Times of Israel |date=2018-seit06-dem18 |accessdate=2020-holocaust_aid_781078.html12-25}}</ref># Israel's Vice Prime Minister Silvan Schalom said ''Henri Goldstein''', the banning president of religious the Jewish Community in [[circumcisionDenmark]] would mean ", has said the potential ban represents “the worst threat since World War II” to the country’s Jews out!". He also equates all critics of [[circumcision]] with Nazis, thereby pressuring policymakers massively.<ref>http{{REFnews |url=https://www.focustimesofisrael.decom/politik/deutschland/israelsnetanyahu-thanks-danish-prime-vizeminister-premierfor-silvanopposition-schalomto-beschneidungsverbotcircumcision-heisstban/ |title=Netanyahu thanks Danish prime minister for opposition to circumcision ban |website=The Times of Israel |date=2020-juden09-raus_aid_811026.html13 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref>This suggests that the Danes would be as bad as the Nazi Germans if they passed the circumcision ban.# IsraelPrime Minister '''Mette Frederiksen'''s Interior Minister Eli Jishai, head leader of the strictly religious Shas partySocial Democrats, called on Chancellor Merkel cited a historic promise made to the Scandinavian country’s small Jewish minority to immediately end shield them from harm. In Frederiksen’s view, the criminalisation European legacy of [[circumcision]]. "antisemitism, persecution, and the Holocaust demand a leniency toward Jews in Germany should not be forced afforded others, even if she herself finds the ancient custom “difficult to have to choose between compliance with national or divine lawsfathom." He assumed all who work for genital self-determination ” Opponents of boys to confront anti-Semitism against circumcision have accused the Jewish religion and also called to PM of “playing the fact that Jews in Germany should not stop at national lawsNazi card.<ref>http{{REFnews |url= |title=Denmark’s proposed circumcision ban will make Jewish life ‘untenable’ |first=Rasmus |last=Lybech |website=Forward |date=2020-nach09-MerkelMachtwort30 |accessdate=2020-aus12-Israel25}}</ref># IsraelRabbi '''Andrew Baker'''s President Schimon Peres called Federal President Gauck to promote [[circumcision]] for religious reasons. "The [[Brit Milah]] ([[circumcision]]) is a [[the current American Jewish circumcision|Committee’s director of international Jewish ritual]]affairs. Since thousands In a commentary on ''Religion News Service'' (RNS) he links the protection of yearsmale children against forced genital mutilation with anti-Semitism, it is central to Jewish identity and makes a saying: " This way he imputed that all critics of [[circumcision]] would not accept As European governments have woken to exhibit a Jewish religious tradition over national law, due the need to their fight anti-Semitism, they should adopt a common approach to guarantee this religious practice."<ref>http{{REFnews |url=https://wwwreligionnews.welt.decom/politik2020/ausland11/article10876970719/Beschneidungsdebattebanning-circumcision-is-a-unnecessary-bar-Peresto-bittetjewish-Gauckbelonging-umin-Hilfe.html<europe/ref># Charlotte Knoblauch, former President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, asked very provocative: "Do you want us Jews yet?" and therefore insinuates that all [[ |title=Banning circumcision]] critics want Jews is an unnecessary bar to leave Germany. This way she set politicians massively under pressure.<ref> belonging inEurope |website=Religion News Service |date=2020-deutschland11-wollt19 |accessdate=2020-ihr12-uns-juden-noch-1.145903825}}</ref># The Berlin rabby Yitzhak Ehrenberg mentioned in September 2012 at a rally in Berlin, referring to his recent visit to After the Auschwitz concentration camp, Danish parliament rejected the sufferine of one and a half million babies and children torn from their mothers proposal in the murder factories of the Nazis2021, tortured it has become more and murdered - this is the physical destruction, so Ehrenberg. What however now is demanded in Germany more obvious that boys should decided at the age of 18 whether they be circumcised or Danish Prime Minister has been pushed by USA and Israel to not - Ehrenberg continued - is from a religious perspective even worse than the physical destructionprotect boys against genital mutilation.<ref>http{{REFnews |url=https://hpdcphpost.dedk/node/14033</ref> Thus he not only relativized the Holocaust, but referred all [[intactivists]] board as worse than the Nazi SS.?p=123974# The same Yitzhak Ehrenberg said |title=Foreign interference? Evidence points at US and Israeli meddling in an N24 interview on October 5, 2012 to Michel Friedman, [[Danish circumcision]] critics were primitive, because they believe that they came from the trees of the jungles (monkeys). And because they were all atheists, they are automatically antireligious for him and therefore antidebate |website=CPH Post |date=2021-04-Semitic.<ref> |first=Lena |last=Hunter |accessdate=2021-RSBYJib90g06-04}}</ref>
== References = Germany === # The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, '''Dieter Graumann''', threatened emigration of all Jews from Germany and called the Chancellor, fractions and prime ministers of all provinces to bring a law "immediately after the summer break" on the way that still allows [[circumcision]]. This way he assumed all circumcision critics lump sum to want to create a situation where Jews could not longer live in Germany.<references ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Zentralrat sieht das Judentum in Deutschland gefährdet |trans-title=Central Council sees Judaism in Germany at risk |language=German |date=2012-07-29 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref># The President of the federation of European rabbis, rabbi '''Pinchas Goldschmidt''' from Moscow, put the Cologne judgment in connection with the Nazi ban of the ''Shechita'' and calls it "the heaviest attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust". Thus he assumed sweeping all the people who keep the Cologne decision right, Nazis, and thus set politians massively under pressure.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=„Schwerster Angriff auf das jüdische Leben seit dem Holocaust“ |trans-title="Most serious attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust" |language=German |date=2012-08-08 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref># Israel's Vice Prime Minister '''Silvan Schalom''' said the banning of religious [[circumcision]] would mean "Jews out!". He also equates all critics of [[circumcision]] with Nazis, thereby pressuring policymakers massively.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Beschneidungsverbot heißt „Juden raus“ |trans-title=Circumcision ban means "Jews out" |language=German |date=2012-11-19 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref># Israel's Interior Minister '''Eli Jishai''', head of the strictly religious Shas party, called on Chancellor Merkel to immediately end the criminalisation of [[circumcision]]. "Jews in Germany should not be forced to have to choose between compliance with national or divine laws." He assumed all who work for genital self-determination of boys to confront anti-Semitism against the Jewish religion and also called to the fact that Jews in Germany should not stop at national laws.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Beschneidung: Ruf nach Merkel-Machtwort aus Israel |trans-title=Circumcision: Call for Merkel's power word from Israel |language=German |date=2012-08-23 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref># Israel's President '''Schimon Peres''' called Federal President Gauck to promote [[circumcision]] for religious reasons. "The [[Brit Milah]] ([[circumcision]]) is a [[Jewish circumcision|Jewish ritual]]. Since thousands of years, it is central to Jewish identity and makes a Jew." This way he imputed that all critics of [[circumcision]] would not accept to exhibit a Jewish religious tradition over national law, due to their anti-Semitism.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Beschneidungsdebatte – Peres bittet Gauck um Hilfe |trans-title=Circumcision debate - Peres asks Gauck for help |language=German |date=2012-08-24 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref># '''Charlotte Knobloch''', former President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, asked very provocative: "Do you want us Jews yet?" and therefore insinuates that all [[circumcision]] critics want Jews to leave Germany. This way she set politicians massively under pressure.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Wollt ihr uns Juden noch? |trans-title=Do you still want us Jews? |language=German |date=2012-09-25 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref># The Berlin rabbi '''Yitzhak Ehrenberg''' mentioned in September 2012 at a rally in Berlin, referring to his recent visit to the Auschwitz concentration camp, the suffering of one and a half million babies and children torn from their mothers in the murder factories of the Nazis, tortured and murdered - this is the physical destruction, so Ehrenberg. What however now is demanded in Germany that boys should decided at the age of 18 whether they be circumcised or not - Ehrenberg continued - is from a religious perspective even worse than the physical destruction.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Verunglimpfungen statt Argumente? |trans-title=Disparagements instead of arguments? |language=German |date=2012-09-24 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref> Thus he not only relativized the Holocaust, but referred all [[intactivists]] board as worse than the Nazi SS.# The same '''Yitzhak Ehrenberg''' said in an N24 interview on October 5, 2012 to Michel Friedman, [[circumcision]] critics were primitive, because they believe that they came from the trees of the jungles (monkeys). And because they were all atheists, they are automatically antireligious for him and therefore anti-Semitic.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Friedman schaut hin - Beschneidung in Deutschland |trans-title=Friedman looks - circumcision in Germany |language=German |date=2012-10-05 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref> === Iceland ===# To foil the Icelandic circumcision ban initiative, Jewish leaders developed a new three pronged approach: In addition to pressure from Jewish communities, other religious minorities were asked to join the fight. Also international economic interests were brought into the mix, by reaching out to US politicians one of Iceland’s top five export destinations. “We employed economic interests, letting Iceland know that passing this law will have political and maybe also economic implications,” noted Rabbi '''Pinchas Goldschmidt''', President of the Conference of European Rabbis, who also promoted the campaign.<ref>{{REFnews |url= |title=Rabbis celebrate squashing of Iceland's mooted circumcision ban |website=i24 News |date=2018-05-02 |accessdate=2020-12-25}}</ref><br>''('''Note:''' Even in 2020, the Icelandic law proposal hasn't been stopped yet.)''# The '''Anti-Defamation League''' (ADL) is openly threatening to destroy the Icelandic tourism industry with fake anti-Semitism allegations if Iceland would prohibit genital mutilation in children.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Here are the letters the ADL sent to one of our ministers. It basically says. If you ban circumcision we´ll use our media to destroy your tourism. |last=Donkz 1.0 (HviturAsni) |publisher=Twitter |date=2019-09-06 |accessdate=2019-09-13}}</ref>. {{REF}} [[Category:Antisemitism]][[Category:Politics]][[Category:Rabbi]][[Category:Term]]
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