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Jean-Marie Huot

8 bytes added, 17:39, 20 March 2023
The [[foreskin]] of healthy infant boys normally is developmentally non-retractable.<ref name="gairdner1949">{{GairdnerDM 1949}}</ref>
Dr. Huot examined six-month-old twin boys Bruce and Brian Reimer. He mis-diagnosed their healthy, developmentally non-retractable [[foreskin ]] as ''[[phimosis]]''. The twin boys were scheduled for [[circumcision]] — excision and [[amputation]] of the foreskin — at the age of eight-months.
Bruce was the first born of the two, so he was scheduled first. Dr. Huot inexplicably chose to use an electrocautery device to perform the medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcision. The electric current so burned Bruce's [[penis]] that it was destroyed.

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