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Circumcision Academy of Australia

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The '''Circumcision Academy of Australia''' (former name: ''Circumcision Foundation of Australia'') is an alleged medical organisation which "aims to promote reliable medical research information on [[circumcision]] as a public health issue and facilitate education on good clinical practice." The Circumcision Academy of Australia is closely associated with [[Brian J. Morris]]. In addition it supports parental and individual choice in obtaining medical or religious circumcision in the Australian community. It is not aligned with any medical body nor with any particular religious faith".<ref name=CAA>{{InfoboxREFweb | bodystyle = float:right; valign:top;| title publisher= Circumcision Academy of Australia | titlestyle website= Australia | image = | imagestyle title= Circumcision Academy of Australia| caption = | captionstyle = | headerstyle = background:#d2d2d2;| labelstyle url= backgroundhttp:#d2d2d2;// | datastyle accessdate= 2022-07-07| header1 = Owner:| data2 = }}</ref> They state to be aligned with the [[Brian J. MorrisCircumcision Academy of America]] which confirms that they don't see themselves as a medical body.| header3 = Members & Associates:| data4 = The Circumcision Academy of Australia has been a near total failure at its apparent goal of advancing the practice of male circumcision in Australia, because the incidence of [[Alex Wodakcircumcision]]is reported to be near its all time low of about four percent.| data5 == [[Terry Russell]]| data6 Self-understanding = [[Anthony Dilley]]| data7 = [[Robin J. Willcourt]]| data8 = [[David A. Cooper]]In their "List of Possible Circumcisers", they describe themselves as| data9 = [[Adrian Mindel]]| data10 = [[Michael Lowy]]{{Citation | data11 Text= [[Leslie Schrieber]]Provides the latest, scientifically accurate information on benefits and risks of circumcision, as well as lists of doctors who perform infant, child and adult circumcisions. The Academy is a medical body only and does not provide medical procedures. | data12 Author= [[Karen ABrian J. DugganMorris]](assumed) | data13 Source= [[Eugenie R. Lumbers]]List of Possible Circumcisers - Circumcision Foundation of Australia 2020-03-02 | data14 ref= <ref>[[Stephen RFile:List of Possible Circumcisers - Circumcision Foundation of Australia 2020-03-02. Leederpdf]]| belowstyle = background:#d2d2d2;| below = </ref>
== [[Circumfetish]] ==In fact, they also openly advertise at the same time to be "the only Australian medical organisation devoted to male circumcision".<ref name=CAA/> All their statements and even their "meta-studies" state that they are rather "the only Australian medical organization obsessed with male circumcision". The website references the circumcision fetish site [[]] and quotes many papers by [[Brian J. Morris]] which (of course) reference papers of himself over and over again, too. It is obvious that his circular conclusions are driven by his obsession for [[circumcision]] and require little further attention. The Circumcision Academy of Australia "aims seems to promote reliable medical research information on have been a near total failure in promoting [[circumcision ]] in [[Australia]], as a public health issue the incidence of non-therapeutic infant circumcision has declined rapidly to only four percent of newborn boys. They transparently and facilitate education on good clinical practice. In addition it supports parental proudly list their "board" and individual choice members, many of whom are either themselves identified as [[circumfetishist]]s or have a clear financial interest in obtaining medical or religious [[circumcision ]], particularly as physicians specialized in [[circumcision]]. Morris repeatedly recruits alleged co-authors for his pseudo-scientific elaborations from this very dubious "pool of experts". == Perpetuating myths ==What is shocking is that this organization still claims that neonatal circumcision does not require general anaesthesia<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=About us |accessdate=2022-07-07 |note=You may have to zoom into that page on your browser to see the Australian communitytext of this web page. It }}</ref>, instead of correctly stating that neonatal circumcision is neither medically indicated nor can it be performed under general anaesthesia without endangering the life of the child. Thus, the CAA perpetuates the myth that newborns do not aligned with any medical body nor with any particular religious faith"feel [[pain]]. == Board and members ==IntactiWiki lists all known members<refname="CAAMembers">{{REFwebQuoteREFweb |url= |title=Members of the Academy | quoteaccessdate=2022-07-07}}</ref> of this Brian Morris "enterprise" because chances are that many of them are only paper tigers or non-specialist supporters and pure [[circumfetishist|circumcision fetishists]] like Morris himself. As the [[Intactivists of Australia and New Zealand]] already found out in 2012, the website is or at least was hosted on web servers of the {{UNI|University of Sydney|USYD}}, his former employer, while he was asked by them to remove his stuff from their servers in 2011 already. It seems to be obvious that Morris still is the motor and head of the CAA, too, and just hides from the frontline by declaring to be only their "Secretary". Effectively, he seems to maintain the website, gives his contact address, and designs all "studies" which he writes himself and collects "co-authors" for from his organization. They have published a ''List of Possible Circumcisers'' which promotes most of their members as circumcisers "for medical and cultural reasons". The document is stored in the IntactiWiki pool at [[File:List of Possible Circumcisers - Circumcision Academy Foundation of Australia aims .pdf]]. === Board ==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Name !! Function || Profession !! Interest in [[circumcision]] !! Remark|-| data-sort-value="Katelaris" | [[Phillip M. Katelaris]] || data-sort-value="1" |(current alleged) President || urologist || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed || |-| data-sort-value="Morris" | [[Brian J. Morris]] || data-sort-value="2" |Secretary || retired professor of molecular medical sciences || [[circumfetish]] proven || seems to promote reliable be the motor of it all|-| data-sort-value="Blumenthal" | [[Norman J. Blumenthal]] || data-sort-value="3" |Treasurer || obstetrician and gynaecologist || income through [[circumcision]]s || only babies up to 4 weeks|-| data-sort-value="Hajoona" | [[Mohamed Hajoona]] || data-sort-value="4" |Surgical Training Co-ordinator || general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Wodak" | [[Alex D. Wodak]] || data-sort-value="5" |Public Health Advisor || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s, [[circumfetish]] proven |||} === Other current members ==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Name !! Profession !! Interest in [[circumcision]] !! Remark|-| data-sort-value="Alex-Ohunyon, Ono" | [[Ono Alex-Ohunyon]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s and frenulectomies |||-| data-sort-value="Athari, Mojtaba" | [[Mojtaba Athari]] || cosmetic physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || his practices are entitled "Melbourne Vasectomy & Circumcision"|-| data-sort-value="Bookallil, Luke" | [[Luke Bookallil]] || general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s |||-| data-sort-value="Campbell, Gordon R." | [[Gordon R. Campbell]] || general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed || complex medical research information patients and chronic disease management|-| data-sort-value="Cowie, Stephen Paul" | [[Stephen Paul Cowie]] || male general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed |||-| data-sort-value="Cox, Guy" | [[Guy Cox]] || botanist || [[circumfetish]] proven || former University colleague of [[Brian J. Morris]]|-| data-sort-value="Duggan, Karen A." | [[Karen A. Duggan]] || nephrologist (renal specialist) || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed |||-| data-sort-value="Fabian, Roger" | [[Roger Fabian]] || male GP || income through [[circumcision]]s || probably supports "cultural" circumcisions|-| data-sort-value="Garvey, John F.W." | [[John F.W. Garvey]] || general and diagnostic surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Gera, Parshotam" | [[Parshotam Gera]] || neonatal and paediatric surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s || openly promotes cultural [[circumcision]]s|-| data-sort-value="Golovsky, David" | [[David Golovsky]] || urological surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed || |-| data-sort-value="Katelaris, Athos" | [[Athos Katelaris]] || urologist || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed || |-| data-sort-value="Kahil, Tamer" | [[Tamer Kahil]] || surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s || all ages (!)|-| data-sort-value="Khatree, Mahomed" | [[Mahomed Khatree]] || obstetrician & gynaecologist || income through [[circumcision]]s || has done over 5,000 [[circumcision]]s on baby boys|-| data-sort-value="Kirkman, David A." | [[David A. Kirkman]] || general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s || over 35 years performing [[circumcision]]s (neo-natal incl.)|-| data-sort-value="Kennedy, Sean E." | [[Sean E. Kennedy]] || senior lecturer in paediatric nephrology || [[circumfetish]] assumed || former University colleague of and co-author for [[Brian J. Morris]]|-| data-sort-value="Leeder, Stephen R." | [[Stephen R. Leeder]] || emeritus professor of public health and community medicine || [[circumfetish]] assumed || former University colleague of and co-author for [[Brian J. Morris]]|-| data-sort-value="Li, Andrew" | [[Andrew Li]] || surgeon || income through [[circumcision ]]s || all males as a public of 5 years of age|-| data-sort-value="Lim, Peter" | [[Peter Lim]] || general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s |||-| data-sort-value="Lowy, Michael" | [[Michael Lowy]] || "sexual health issue physician" || [[circumfetish]] assumed || board member of ‘Impotence Australia’|-| data-sort-value="Lumbers, Eugenie R." | [[Eugenie R. Lumbers]] || emeritus professor of physiology || [[circumfetish]] assumed || former University colleague of and facilitate education co-author for [[Brian J. Morris]]|-| data-sort-value="Mindel, Adrian" | [[Adrian Mindel]] || Professor of Sexual Health Medicine || [[circumfetish]] assumed || former University colleague of [[Brian J. Morris]]|-| data-sort-value="Moore, Colin" | [[Colin Moore]] || surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s || all males as of 6 months of age|-| data-sort-value="Morris, Stephen" | [[Stephen Morris]] || NN || [[circumfetish]] assumed || the most obscure person on good clinical practicethat list for now|-| data-sort-value="Jacques, Mohammad" | [[Mohammad Jacques]] || retired intensive care nurse || [[circumfetish]] assumed || already retired in 2014 at the latest|-| data-sort-value="Obatayo, Adeolu O." | [[Adeolu O. In addition it supports parental Obatayo]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Patel, Dinesh" | [[Dinesh Patel]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || babies only between 3 and individual choice 7 weeks; other males as of 16 years|-| data-sort-value="Qidwai, Khalid Aziz" | [[Khalid Aziz Qidwai]] || surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s assumed || |-| data-sort-value="Raftery, Samuel" | [[Samuel Raftery]] || anaesthetist || [[circumfetish]] assumed || |-| data-sort-value="Read, Michael" | [[Michael Read]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Robinson, David" | [[David Robinson]] || ophthalmic surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Russell, Terry" | [[Terry Russell]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s ||specialized in [[circumcision]] for boys since 1993; immediate past President 2010–2017; has performed more [[circumcision]]s than anyone else in obtaining medical or religious [[Australia]].|-| data-sort-value="Saddik, Ashraf" | [[Ashraf Saddik]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s |||-| data-sort-value="Sales, Milton" | [[Milton Sales]] || physician || income through [[circumcision ]]s || only babies between 3 and 7 weeks|-| data-sort-value="Schrieber, Leslie" | [[Leslie Schrieber]] || Associate Professor in the Australian communityFaculty of Medicine and Health || [[circumfetish]] assumed || former University colleague of and co-author for [[Brian J. Morris]]|-| data-sort-value="Sharier, Mohammad Salahuddin" | [[Mohammad Salahuddin Sharier]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s |||-| data-sort-value="Sharma, Shyam" | [[Shyam Sharma]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s |||-| data-sort-value="Shahin, Wasfy" | [[Wasfy Shahin]] || general practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s |||-| data-sort-value="Sheen, Adrian C." | [[Adrian C. Sheen]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Tarr, E. Jeff" | [[E. Jeff Tarr]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Tipnis, Rahul S." | [[Rahul S. It is not aligned with any medical body nor with any particular religious faithTipnis]] || male practitioner || income through [[circumcision]]s || performs [[circumcision]] for all age groups|-| data-sort-value="Walkom, David Phillip" | [[David Phillip Walkom]] || gynaecologist || income through [[circumcision]]s || |-| data-sort-value="Waterfield, Roger" | [[Roger Waterfield]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |- | lastdata-sort-value="Webb, David" | [[David Webb]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |- | firstdata-sort-value="Wein, Peter" | [[Peter Wein]] || gynaecologist || income through [[circumcision]]s || names himself "circumcision specialist doctor"|- | publisherdata-sort-value=Circumcision Academy of Australia"Wheatley, Jennifer M." | [[Jennifer M. Wheatley]] || paediatric surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s |||- | workdata-sort-value=Australia"Wilson, Frederick Ross" | [[Frederick Ross Wilson]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || |- | datedata-sort-value="Young, Amanda B." | [[Amanda B. Young]] || general surgeon || income through [[circumcision]]s || openly promotes religious circumcisions | urltitle} =Circumcision Academy == Previous members (or no longer mentioned officially) ===The following persons were formerly listed as members and had been checked by the [[Intactivists of Australiaand New Zealand]]:<ref name=MeetCAA>{{REFweb | url=httphttps://wwwintactivistsofaustralasia.circumcisionaustraliawordpress.orgcom/2012/08/23/meet-the-circumcision-foundation-of-australia/ |title=Meet the <q>Circumcision Academy of Australia</q> |date=2012-08-23 | accessdate=20122022-0907-2207
The Homepage references circinfo{| class="wikitable"|-! Name !! profession !! Interest in [[circumcision]] !! Remark|-| [[Anthony Dilley]] || physician || income through [[circumcision]]s || performs up to 40 circumcisions a week<ref name=MeetCAA/>|-| [[Robin Willcourt]] || gynecologist and quotes several papers by obstetrician || income through [[Brian Morriscircumcision]].s || found guilty of disorderly conduct<ref name=MeetCAA/>|}
* [[Australia]]
* [[Circumcision Academy of America]]
* [[Journal of Men's Health]]
* [http{{REFweb |url= |title=Intactivists of Australia: Meet the ‘Circumcision <q>Circumcision Foundation of Australia’]Australia</q> |date=2012-08-23 |accessdate=2022-07-07}}
[[Category:Financial gain]]
[[Category:From CircLeaks]]
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